Scope Of Those Using Dark Shades [Glasses]

I so much hate using glasses, just because of the shame I may have assumed myself to be at that moment. Anytime I manage to use it, I think people are looking or laughing at me. I believed that those who wore glasses were the neatest, not until I came across one. He has been seen so neat from afar, but when he is close to you, he looks so dirty.

Have you thought of the reasons why many people always use dark glasses?

For us to beat my lecturer's questions, we continually seek alternatives, such as solving past questions. Now, while in the hall, a colleague of mine who happened to always use a dark shade wore his shade during exams. He was just focused without being questioned. He did not ask anybody any question but was focused on his work.


Samer Bououd
No one seems to know the magic he has been using to make his booklet get filled up. He always behaves as if the glasses are the ones giving him something to write, but all were just fallacies; it was merely our imagination, but what he was doing was left within him. I got to know something strange when we were writing a mathematics exam. Even the supervisors could not see what I was seeing. I sighted this gentleman from afar and understood him so well.

The school has frowned on cheating so immensely and so no one would be allowed to cheat except if you want to get yourself rusticated from the school.

I saw my friend giraffing from his seat partner. No one would be able to catch him and so, I waited until we were done with the exams. I called him and said to him, “guy, I saw what you were doing. Is this the reason you always wore dark glasses during exams?”".
He replied “what was I doing?”
“I think I should try this tactic in the following exams”, Nat, our second friend, said after hearing it from our conversation.

Nat got home and bought dark glasses. He was so serious about it and so decided to wear it and sat very close to Henry, the brilliant boy. He sat just straight and was only rotating his eyes but not shaking his head. Likewise, he was just focused and was not ready to lose any steps.
I was just watching him from where I sat. I knew it would not last longer before the lecturers would observe it.

Nat was making it too obvious and was at the same time shaking, being the first time. He succeeded in the first exams. He was so happy and was ready to continue with this act.

Our next exam was the man whose questions were always so tough. At the time, I was eager to join the dark shade group, but I decided to stay on my own as this would affect them later.

As the exam was going on, the whole lecturers packed themselves into our hall just as if they had heard of something strange. One of them walked close to Nat, he began to shiver. He was shaking unnoticed, but was not ready to drop the act. After ten minutes, the lecturer went close again to Nat, unknowingly to him. He was just gazing at Nat from behind and discovered that he was rotating his eyes to catch up with his seat partner's work without shaking or moving his head. The lecturer immediately took his seat partner away from him.
Meanwhile, he had written just a few as his answer booklet was still scanty. That day, he could not write anything. He had refused to read his book and so did not write anything.

“Nat thank you, God that the lecturer did not report you”, I said. Since that period, no one has been allowed to use dark glasses during exams.



I was sitting by the roadside one beautiful evening with my friends, taking in the cool breeze. We sighted one guy sitting very close to us. He wore dark shades (glasses). A lady with a big ass (the back was mind-blowing), and the front was something no one would deny not looking at. We observed and removed our eyes immediately, but this gentleman pretended not to be looking at this girl. But, being a sharp guy, I had quickly discovered his scope. He focused without turning his neck. He was busy rotating his eyes to catch up with the heavy load this girl was carrying. I moved close to him and told him, “I saw the way you were gazing at this girl, rotating your eyes deeply”. He did not deny it being. He agreed to it, and we smiled at each other.


While in the church, members who seem sleepy always deny sleeping, even when they have been caught sleeping. I observed that the ushers are always vigilant and are not ready to allow one to at least close his or her eyes. I put on my dark shades and went to church. Before then, I could not sleep properly at night just because of the way I was surfing through the internet.

I had known upfront that I was going to sleep in the church no matter what. So, I decided to put on my dark shades to church. As we were done singing praises, the pastor mounted the altar. Within five minutes, I began to doze off. I did it in a way that no one would observe. In fact, I was focused and pretended to be listening to the sermon, whereas I was sleeping.


Nar was thinking everyday was going to be Christmas for him, he succeeded in the first black eyes glass cheating in the exams and he wants to do it one more time, instead of reading his books for the exams, I have a guy like that, in those days, he used to put on glasses, and he was good in rotating his eyes without the examiners noticed.


Just because of him the rules in the school changed totally. No dark shade glasses any more.


They changed the rules on black shade glasses, the time you wanted to be wearing it like Nat. And the other student, who is the black shade glasses originator.


Ahahah! I can't stop laughing at this nasty idea of creating during examination. It has been a styled employed by guys to have their ways during examination.
It is better that black shades are stopped.


It's the system and stoping it would be the best
