Do You Want To Know The True Meaning Of Reward Pool And All About It?


Reward Pools generally are the way the transferred data or tokens from one Blockchain to another are distributed in the majority of protocol incentives.

On Hive, Hive token is allocated to the Hive network reward fund which we called the reward Pool. This token called the reward pool are distributed among curators and authors just for the purpose of posting and upvoting.

Something to put in consideration is the bridging. There are some specific percentages which would be withdrawn from the bridge and sent to the reward pool. This is just like in Hive. There are so many Hivers and also have their various ways of upvoting individuals. The truth is that ”Where does this reward we use to upvote an individual comes from?”
It's a huge question that can lead us to the reward pool. This is coming from the reward pool. It means every Hivers has the ability to make use of the reward pool.
In a real sense, the reward pool always depends on the hive power you have. This means the more your Hive power, the bigger you upvote to other's posts. It means the more the reward pool.

This is why powering up is important so as to enhance the reward pool. Rewarding people does not come from you nor does it affect your account. Despite rewarding others, your wallet remains the same. This means what you have been using to rewards Hivers as upvotes is called the reward pool.

There is a question I want to answer.

How do we get a reward pool?

I'm going to say this in the way I felt it to be. I'm not pretty sure if it is but I just need to say this.
The fact remains that when users make their post, they gain reward (upvote). These rewards as I have explained earlier are from the reward pool. Their contents would be cash out in seven(7) days. This cash out would not be the total reward the content had gotten. It has been divided into segments. Some percentage of which is going to the wallet as Hive dollar (hbd), some of which is going to the same wallet as Hive power while the rest percentage would be going to the reward pool.

”To me, I can call the reward pool a reservoir where liquids are deposited to give as content creation rewards.”

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
