Reduce, Reuse and Recycle should be done properly

I went to Dubai, where there was a place which was covered with the trash and mainly the plastic. Now since Dubai is quite developed, they spend a lot of resource and money so that they can use the trash to build something great. But here in India we don't have that much resources or the money because we have to feed so many people who are poor.


And because of that it's a responsibility of most of the citizens, mostly educated one's because that's way we can reduce the wastage as much as possible. So to do that we have to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, so that the waste should be reduced.

Reduce means to generate less trash, reuse means try to use more than once rather than throwing it out and recycle means try to use something old and make it new and useful.

We have to learn to reduce

Reducing the waste means creating less waste. And reducing it actually makes your environment much better. One thing I try to do is to keep a bag in my pocket always so that I don't get a new bag everytime thus reducing the wastage. Other thing I try to do is whenever I go for buying outside food, I get my own container because by that I am reducing the wastage of container.

Reuse and reuse

Say for example, you have something which you have to throw after 1 usage, but you should try to use it again and that's what reuse is all about. For example, in our software world it is called as never repeat yourself that means you should try to reuse more and more so that the lines of code should be reduced.

And that's should be done in the real life too. Like you have some clothes at home, you should try to denote it in orphanage which is again a good thing as well as you are Reusing it rather than creating a waste.


This is the last thing but very important because if we recycle, it's quite good to turn something old to something new. We Indians try to recycle as much as possible, for example an old T-Shirt is used for cleaning purpose. An old plastic mug is used in the toilets and what not.

Similarly the newspapers are turned into small bags for everyday purpose. The Amazon plastics are used for collecting waste.

So yeah these are somethings which we can do but again we should try to find ways to make our waste as less as possible.

This is my participation post for Initiative: May Inleo Monthly Prompt.
You can join the initiative too, follow @leogrowth for more.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It is a good national initiative for India. I am trying out my own projects for reuse purposes, with the intention of a resell value that will also contribute to charity.


When I walk around my university and area. I really feel bad about community and society that we didn't contributed much to follow these three R's for the betterment of our globe. Everywhere I see plastic, garbage and stuff like that!
