Becoming More Thoughtful and Rational: On Overcoming Desires

Becoming More Thoughtful and Rational: On Overcoming Desires


You are in front of your computer about to write a blog, you started to yawn then you crave a cup of coffee. As you walk to the coffee table to brew some beans, you swipe on your phone looking at random cat videos, and seeing a new breed of sexy feline you sit on the couch reading more about them. Taking 30 minutes of your time to write a blog.

In a world full of distractions and temptations, the ability to overcome desires and maintain discipline is crucial for achieving focus and success. Our desires, while natural and often enticing, can derail our progress and hinder our ability to stay focused on our goals. The major reasons why we procrastinate are the tempting distractions that are within our reach. These distractions consume our productive time and pull us away from the success that we are reaching.

Focus shapes our reality.

Our fears add layers to the steps of our success. They are blockages to keep us from moving forward. By consciously directing our attention toward our desires rather than our fears, we can fuel our motivation and drive toward success. Overcoming the desire to dwell on fears allows us to stay disciplined and maintain a clear path toward our goals.

Initium dimidium facti, to start is half the deed. Shove away those branches of fear and make a clearing for what is there to achieve.

Regrets are the worst pain

Discipline is the key to long-term success. While overcoming desires may require effort and sacrifice, the consequences of succumbing to momentary temptations can lead to regret and unfulfilled potential. Embracing discipline allows us to make choices aligned with our aspirations and avoid the lasting pain of regret.

Joy in our pursuits.

Overcoming desires that lead us astray and staying disciplined in our chosen path becomes easier when we genuinely love what we do. When our actions are driven by passion and purpose, discipline becomes a natural byproduct, enabling us to stay focused on the journey toward success. Find the joy in all pursuits, and celebrate even the littlest step because this is a sign of chipping out blocks for a masterpiece of a sculpture -- your achievements.

"The disciplined mind leads to happiness, and the undisciplined mind leads to suffering." - Dalai Lama

The Dalai Lama's quote emphasizes the profound connection between discipline and happiness. By overcoming desires that distract us from our goals and cultivating discipline, we pave the way for inner peace and contentment. The ability to stay focused and disciplined propels us forward, enabling us to navigate life's challenges with clarity and purpose.

Without discipline, our plans remain unfulfilled dreams. It is through the consistent application of discipline that we bridge the gap between our goals and actual accomplishments. Overcoming desires and staying focused on our path with discipline is the key to turning aspirations into tangible achievements.

Overcoming desires and cultivating discipline are integral to attaining focus and success in our lives. By staying disciplined and committed to our goals, we can rise above distractions, unlock our true potential, and lead a life of purpose, fulfillment, and accomplishment. Let us embrace the challenge of overcoming desires and nurture the discipline needed to manifest our aspirations.

Below will be a list of typical desires that I am challenged to overcome every day. These are little acts that lead to full distraction, by fighting the itch of these desires I find myself more productive. Though sometimes they are just too strong.

  1. Finding the best music video to listen to while writing. This can result in just scrolling into youtube shorts.
  2. Picking up random things I find on the sala. My brother usually leaves some stuff laying around our house and it itches me to pick them up and put them where they are supposed to be at, leading me to find more stuff to clean and fix.
  3. Watching corn and binging on Netlfix. It's a deep trap I tell you.
  4. Getting that 5 more minutes of sleep.
  5. Daydreaming of new plans and possible businesses.
  6. Entertaining the thought that I still have tomorrow to do it.

There are a lot more distractions that I can list, but I want to hear your thoughts too. Share in the comment sections stuff that distracts you from achieving your goals.

Oh, and yeah I just discovered my fascination with making youtube shorts lately.


This blog is to make sure that I am #aliveandthriving. Being #alive is a huge blessing and I am happy to celebrate it every day!

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Hey! Roi here, your favorite garlic! I am a small Filipino streamer on twitch.

Recently I find myself enjoying blogging and curation. I hope you enjoy your read today. Your upvote is greatly appreciated.

Before you go I want to remind you that you are awesome! If you ever feel alone and you got no one to talk to message me in discord CmmndrBawang#5457.


Huge thanks and much love to the people who sponsor my stream and my peakd posts:

  • Rising Star: Rising Star is a game made for musicians and music lovers! Earn Starbits by completing standard missions and other tokens by completing special missions. @risingstargame @atomcollector

  • @stickupboys : A very amazing band! Follow them on Youtube and Spotify

  • Faded Monsuta : Introducing a wild and fantastical Trading Card Game concept, Faded Monsuta provides entertaining gameplay and strategies at the expense of its slew of paraphernalia pals.

  • @clove71 and @splinterlandshq for the early boost on my streaming and splinterlands career. You guys are forever tattooed on my heart.

SplinterlandsHQ (@gank and @walkingkeys) Youtube Channel:

SplinterlandsClove71 Youtube Channel:

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Rising Star:

HOW TO SUPPORT CmmndrGarlic:

  • Donate Splinterlands Assets to: @cmmndrbawang
  • Donate WAX NFTs to: 3r2xc.wam
  • Donate goodies here: Tip Page


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Daydreaming new plans is also on my list. I make it useful by writing it down on my planner. I now have pages on my planner full of daydreams. Some of them I made real already. It helps to write them down, really.

Picking up random things on the sofa made it in my distraction list too. I have a 6 year old and she's still in the process of forming good habits. We have a motto now "Everything in its place, a place for everything." We have just started it a few days ago, there's still some resistance, but the amount of random stuff on the sofa started to lessen already.

Watching Disney+ and Netflix series also distracts me from my goals. I used to crochet while watching but that's too unhealthy. I'm sitting down a lot already. My husband bought me a treadmill, I now run/walk while watching. When I get tired, I stop, take a shower, and go to sleep. Helps me a lot whenever I have trouble sleeping.


It's great to hear that you find writing down your daydreams in your planner useful. Putting your ideas on paper can help clarify your thoughts and make them more tangible. We will never know when we are going to need those awesome ideas. And congratulations on turning some of your daydreams into reality!

Establishing good habits and routines, like your motto of "Everything in its place, a place for everything," can be helpful in maintaining a tidy and organized environment. It's normal to encounter some resistance when implementing new habits, especially with young children, but with consistency and patience, you'll likely see improvements over time. SALUTE TO YOU MOMSHIE!

Managing distractions is important when it comes to staying focused on your goals. It's good that you've identified watching Disney+ and Netflix series as potential distractions. Finding a healthier alternative, such as running or walking on a treadmill while watching, is a great way to incorporate physical activity into your routine while still enjoying your favorite shows. Taking breaks when you get tired, showering, and then going to sleep can indeed contribute to better sleep quality.

Building these habits is ideal but let us not forget to reward ourselves a little.

Remember, finding a balance between productivity and relaxation is essential. Keep exploring strategies that work best for you in achieving your goals while also taking care of your well-being.


The constant distraction that I have during work and even creating blogs are the following:

Searching for the right vibe of music too!

So each time that I try to focus at work, I slowly limit myself from using both and turn off my PC. Works wonders as I am able to focus more on the task at hand. Though still there are instances wherein I fail, I think I am getting better and better nowadays.

Just finished this audiobook today: While I am walking and it made me realize a lot of stuff about me being a master procrastinator hahaha.


It's common to face distractions during work or while engaging in creative activities like writing blogs. Discord and searching for the right music can certainly be sources of distraction. It's great that you've recognized their impact on your focus and have taken steps to limit their use by turning off your PC. Creating a dedicated and distraction-free environment can indeed help improve your concentration and productivity.

Congratulations on finishing an audiobook! Audiobooks make reading a lot faster. Acknowledging that you are a procrastinator, like me, is really amazing.

Keep up the good work and continue finding strategies that help you stay focused and motivated. Remember to give yourself breaks and incorporate activities that rejuvenate you, while also setting clear boundaries to minimize distractions during work or when you're engaged in important tasks.

This is my usual audio when I am feeling stuck.
