Selfiesaturday - Between work and marathon: insight into my challenging week


The last few weeks have turned into a real marathon of my life, in which my work and my training go hand in hand. As a teacher, I am currently responsible for over 200 pupils, which is made even more challenging by the numerous substitutions. The time to prepare and follow up my lessons at the level I aspire to is scarce and my usual activities, such as reading, art and socializing, fall by the wayside.

My days are filled with balancing the classroom and my running shoes, and it is no easy task to balance the two. The marathon of teaching and the physical challenge of marathon training require not only physical but also mental stamina.

I particularly miss the moments of peace and quiet when I can devote myself to my cultural interests. Art, which normally invigorates me, is currently in the background. Social contacts are limited to a minimum and the need for cultural inspiration remains unfulfilled.

But in all of this, the hope remains that the situation will soon improve. The focus is firmly on the end of the year and the upcoming Christmas break, which will hopefully create space for recovery and renewed strength. The motto is: persevere. Even if it is challenging, the prospect of a well-deserved break gives me the motivation I need to get through this demanding time.

Ciao Kakao
Your Morticia

German Version

Zwischen Arbeit und Marathon: Einblick in meine herausfordernde Woche

Die letzten Wochen haben sich zu einem wahren Marathon meines Lebens entwickelt, in dem meine Arbeit und mein Training Hand in Hand gehen. Als Lehrer bin ich momentan für über 200 Schüler verantwortlich, was durch zahlreiche Vertretungen zusätzlich herausfordernd wird. Die Zeit für die Vor- und Nachbereitung meines Unterrichts auf dem von mir angestrebten Niveau ist knapp, und meine üblichen Aktivitäten, wie Lesen, Kunst und soziale Kontakte, bleiben auf der Strecke.

Meine Tage sind gefüllt mit der Balance zwischen dem Klassenzimmer und meinen Laufschuhen, und es ist keine leichte Aufgabe, diese beiden Bereiche in Einklang zu bringen. Der Marathon des Unterrichtens und die physische Herausforderung des Marathontrainings erfordern nicht nur körperliche, sondern auch mentale Ausdauer.

Besonders schmerzlich vermisse ich die Momente der Ruhe, in denen ich mich meinen kulturellen Interessen widmen kann. Die Kunst, die mich normalerweise belebt, bleibt momentan im Hintergrund. Soziale Kontakte sind auf ein Minimum beschränkt, und das Bedürfnis nach kultureller Inspiration bleibt unerfüllt.

Doch in all dem bleibt die Hoffnung, dass sich die Situation bald bessert. Der Blick ist fest auf das Ende des Jahres gerichtet und die bevorstehende Weihnachtspause, die hoffentlich Raum für Erholung und neue Kraft schaffen wird. Das Motto lautet: Durchhalten. Auch wenn es herausfordernd ist, gibt mir die Perspektive auf eine wohlverdiente Pause die nötige Motivation, diese anspruchsvolle Zeit zu meistern.


Ciao Kakao,
Eure Morticia

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Als Lehrer[in] bin ich momentan für über 200 Schüler verantwortlich.

OMG!!! Ich hab so unsagbar viel Respekt für Deine Arbeit! Obwohl ich mich beruflich selber als Lehrer definiere (allerdings nur im privaten Sektor, und größtenteils für Erwachsene), kann ich mir solche Dimensionen gar nicht vorstellen.

Zusätzliche Anerkennung geht an dieses total interessante Selfie. Da ist wirklich alles drin: Berliner Fassaden, Schulbänke wie aus meiner Kindheit, und eine Lehrerin, in die sich jeder Rotzlöffel gern verlieben würde!


Vielen vielen Dank für deinen lieben Kommentar. Werde ich ganz rot 😅
200 Schüler ist schon sehr viel und im nächsten Schuljahr werden es nicht weniger Schüler 🫣



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Marathon training doesn't happen by itself, and we don't have the technology to download that training and knowledge into our brains as was done in The Matrix. So that training needs time, and it will come at the expense of other activities. I would offer you a solution if I had one, but sadly I don't.

However, you have a few qualities in your favor:

  1. Consistency -- You have your routine, but for a few months you need to adjust it to accommodate the marathon training;
  2. Dedication -- You're keeping up with your Hive activities, and in two languages (EN/DE)! Whether you learned both or use tools make it easier, it still takes time;
  3. Discipline -- You had the discipline needed to pursue a career in teaching, so you can apply it to your marathon training;
  4. Patience -- That's needed to handle any group of 200 people, never mind 200 students of varying ages;
  5. Stamina -- I know enough about ballet to say that it requires stamina to succeed at it even for personal reasons. Marathon training and racing may require a different skill set, but stamina can be developed along the way. The mental stamina you needed to earn your degrees can be applied here, too.

Find a way to apply those 5 qualities to your marathon training-- and keep your mind in a good frame with help from the #freecompliments community-- and you'll be amazed at what you will have accomplished by the time you cross that finish line!

I use Rocky Balboa to pick me up when I need to get things done; you have your own role models. Whoever you have to look up to, let them give you the extra boost you need to get through this opportunity to excel.


Thank you so much for your incredibly thoughtful and motivating message! Your words are like a beacon of encouragement, and I truly appreciate your recognition of the qualities you see in me. It means a lot to know that others see the dedication, discipline, and stamina required for marathon training. Your mention of #freecompliments and finding inspiration in role models resonates deeply, reminding me that the journey, though challenging, is filled with opportunities for growth. Your uplifting words will undoubtedly be a source of inspiration as I tackle this marathon adventure. It's amazing how a supportive community and encouraging words can make a significant impact. Thank you for being a part of that positive influence!


You're welcome! I've met some people who have run marathons, and I've seen them train and sacrifice in order to achieve the dream of running and finishing one. Some were natural runners, some weren't; all crossed the finish line.

The mental game is what separates good athletes from average, great from good, All-Star from great, and Hall of Fame-caliber from All-Star. It's also crucial for marathon runners. The more raw material your mind has to aid in positive reinforcement, the better your marathon experience (including training) will be. People are in your corner both offline and here on Hive.

At the moment my upvote value is nearly depleted, so in addition to the upvote please accept this slice of !PIZZA, this bit of !LUV, and some !LOLZ for a laugh or two.
