RE: A WednesdayWalk in the reserve commemorating Earth Day (Es-Eng)

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I agree with you, that too many people don't have care or consideration for Mother Earth's gifts to do this to the trees, but yet this is far worse for the animals.

Too many people tie them up with tight rope or biting wire intentionally.

Too much rubbish is floating around in the oceans and the poor marine life and birds get it caught around their bodies or necks- or even eat it and die.

So when people like yourself, take photos of it, share those photos and question the sue and consequnces, then that will serve to educate the stupid, the inconsiderate and the careless, so one day- hopefully people will be more caring and careful.

And infact, that's why it's good that we all share our Wednesday Walks like this, so we can share and we can learn.

So nice one @jlufer !
Muchos Gracias Senor!
Mucho Gusto!


You have a bowl, all the people who have a space on the web, should share our opinions about what we see happening on earth, and work to influence people to do things that are healthier for the place where we live
Thank you very much dear friend @chocolatescorpi for sharing your thoughts
Have a beautiful day
