Three amazing Ecencial features


Hello everyone, it's cool and beautiful to be here again this morning, participating in the #ecencychallenge, ecency as we all know have so many amazing features and today I'd love to just talk about three amazing features about Ecency.

  • Ecency Waves

It's a recently updated feature on the frontend and trust me it's an amazing feature, a feature that allows us to interact with other users in the blogchain which doesn't have to be a reply in any post, it's a interactive feature that could keep you entertained and could even bring smiles on your face, yesterday I had a busy and stressful day, at some point I decided to check on the ecency Waves and guess what, I had fun reading through what others have experienced earlier that day and I interacted with few of them, it was an interesting one.

Ecency Waves can be a place where you express how your day went, how you feel at the moment or whatever happened to you, it's a place to express whatever inspires you.

  • Easy prophile checking

One other feature I love about Ecency is it's shortcut in checking user's prophile, you don't really have to go down to the user's blog before knowing about his details, all you have to do is to click on the user's prophile picture from wherever you are and the user's prophile would pup up on your screen, it's an easy way I always use to check about other users.

Through this shortcut, you can also know if you're following the user in question 👇.

  • Ecency has an easy check out wallet for many transactional purpose, the HBD token can be converted to hive token, there's also an option that allows you switch conversation from hive back to HBD.

The ecency wallet is an easy to use wallet and an accessible wallet you could make use of at anytime, it's very understandable and pretty easy to operate, with the proposed future of ecency, we would have more amazing features in ecency.

Today I only talked about some amazing features about Ecency, well tomorrow I would be talking about the future of ecency so stay tuned friends and let's always be Ecencial.

You can also do well to vote for the ecency proposal here a support ecency 👇.
@xuwi here is my response to the #ecencychallenge, see you guys next time.

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