The future of Ecency with the Ecency proposal// part 2


Hello everyone 🖐️, how's today going, I'm great today and I hope you're, yesterday I talked a little about the ecency proposal and I remember saying I would round it up today, yeah today I would be talking about the rest of the ecency proposal.

And sure I won't conclude this challenge without commending @ecency for the beautiful work they have been doing through out the year, it's never easy to maintain a frontend as this and also it's still not easy to bring up beautiful ideas for the the upgrading of the frontend, I must say ecency have done a great a d beautiful job and they need our support on their proposal.

  • Wave

This part of the proposal has already been implemented and I'm sure more updates about it would be done, the ecency Waves can be a place to get informed or even entertained by short content created by ecency users, it could even be in picture form, I've engaged using the ecency Waves and it was definitely fun to engage.

  • Floating FAQ

Wow I was really impressed when I saw this proposed update, it's really going to be like an AI helping new users to navigate their way in and out of the frontend a also engaging in the blogchain, somany users have made mistakes which happened because there was no one to guide their operations on the frontend and the blogchain at large but with this proposed update, blogging would be made much more easier expecially for new users.

  • 3speak video

This has been one of the great achievement for the ecency proposal and many users are already loving the added feature, I'm sure we already know that ecency users can now upload their videos through ecency powered by threespeaks and SPK, it's really a beautiful feature and to top it all, with other updates users would be able to record real and short videos, that sounds amazing right, with all these updates I guess ecency and the blogchain entirely would be the best social media platform.

I guess this is my final entry for the #ecencychallenge, @xuwi here is my participation for the #ecencychallenge, thanks everyone for coming around see you tomorrow.
You could help support the ecency proposal here 👇
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We appreciate your participation in our challenge. Every aspect of Ecency has been carefully designed to make it convenient for our community members. Thank you for being a part of our community.
