Hive Open Mic week 191 /∆\ APPLE OF HIS EYES covered by Chidistickz

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Hello everyone 🖐️

Its nice to have you in my blog

Good day everyone, it's a beautiful week right with somany beautiful and inspiring entries, I got inspired viewing beautiful entries like that of @mamab and others, I also hope to inspire impress you guys with my presentation.

I was astonished when I saw the theme, I didn't really think I would even get a song related to the theme but when I looked at the theme again, I realized that there were a number of songs that I could relate to the theme.

The theme is BEAUTIFUL PET, and most people treats their pets with a soft hand, it's called PAMPER right, so it's like a treasure or something that is dear to it's owner, i then realized that when taltk about God and humans I could relate it to the theme, because we are precious and dear to God, we humans are like the apple of God's eyes ( yeah I've gotten a title for the song).

After all this thinking, I searched for a song with the title "APPLE OF HIS EYE' and among the many songs I saw online, I chose this song by JOHN GOLDEN, I love the melody of the song and the lyrics is very easy to score.
Get more information about the song here


Buenos días a todos, es una hermosa semana con tantas entradas hermosas e inspiradoras. Me inspiré al ver entradas hermosas como la de @mamab y otras, también espero inspirarlos e impresionarlos con mi presentación. Me quedé asombrado cuando vi el tema, realmente no pensé que obtendría una canción relacionada con el tema, pero cuando miré el tema nuevamente, me di cuenta de que había varias canciones que podía relacionar con el tema. . El tema es HERMOSA MASCOTA, y la mayoría de las personas tratan a sus mascotas con mano suave, se llama MIMA verdad, así que es como un tesoro o algo querido por su dueño, entonces me di cuenta de que cuando hablo de Dios y los humanos puedo relacionarlo. Según el tema, debido a que somos preciosos y queridos por Dios, los humanos somos como la niña de los ojos de Dios (sí, obtuve un título para la canción). Después de todo esto, busqué una canción con el título "APPLE OF HIS EYE" y entre las muchas canciones que vi en línea, elegí esta canción de JOHN GOLDEN, me encanta la melodía de la canción y la letra es muy fácil de entender. puntaje. Obtén más información sobre la canción aquí

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A nice presentation and interpretation of the theme.... I really hope it's cool with everyone as I did something similar


Beautiful interpretation. Thank you for sharing this wonderful presentation


The song really interpreted the song, your the apple of his eyes, and he takes care of you as his pet. You get nice voice ooh.


Thanks bro
I just love to be good at what I'm doing
We're surly precious to God


Yeh, we are all precious to God. Have a nice day bro
