Battle Mage Secrets! Target Practice!


RULESET: Target Practice


All ranged and magic units gain the Snipe ability.

General Strategy for Target Practice Ruleset

The most important part of this ruleset is putting a good decoy or defense on the snipe position, all ranges and magic units will attack the first no melee unit that is not on the first position, you should to put there a range, magic or a no-attack unit with a solid defense or with damage return against magic or range, you can also put a unit with Martyr ability there to buff 2 of your unit, you can use resurrect for double martyr.
You should have this rules in mind while selecting you tank, this means your tank will only be attacked by melee units until your opponent finish off all your others no-melee units, Thorn , Retaliation, Shield are interesting abilities for the tank to help against melee attackers.
You can also ignore this ruleset by using only melee attackers and going for the back door with Sneak attacks or for the weakest with Opportunity, this could be very effective as you will avoid the decoy of your opponent and he may not be expecting your melee attack.

My Battle:

Battle Link: Click here to check the full Battle.

Others Rulesets and battle Conditions:

Lost Magic: Monsters with magic attack may not be used in battles.

Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest speed attack first and has the highest chance of evading attacks.

Mana Cap: 60

Splinters Allowed: Earth, Fire, Death, Dragon.

About the Battle:

This is a Gold level Brawl Battle, because of the Lost Magic ruleset, I decided to use Demoralize, double Headwinds and a tank with Shield, reducing as much as possible his incoming melee and range damage, use mostly slow units because of reverse speed , 5 of my 6 units have only 2 speed, used Riftwing as my defender from snipe attacks, even though it has high speed it also have flying and my summoner give Dodge ability giving it atleast a 50% evasion, my opponent used full melee except for one unit, Lava Launcher , is a good choice it can defense pretty well with all his armor, he also put a very strong defense on the back, but only 3 units of him attack at the time, others have to wait to some die to put in first position and be able to attack, meanwhile my 5 units with attack can attack from the star.

My Team:


My Opponent Team:

Round 2

Round 3

Round 4

Round 6

Round 8 and Final

Splinterlands is an Auto-battler game where all card are NFT, you can own them and sell them when ever you want or rent them, you will earn SPS each time you win a battle and you can change it for USD if you want, it is a fun game with a playtoearn aspect that greatly increases the fun.
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