Christmas morning reflection


Morning all,


As I sit here this morning (5:41am may have to go back to bed) I am reflecting on how Christmas day is and use to be. One thing is for sure in this life, and that is nothing stays the same. Not saying that is a bad thing. Everyone in my age group that has a family I am sure can relate.

Christmas morning use to be so exciting. As a child you could not wait to get up and set what was under the tree. In my house growing up there was nothing done before Christmas day. After our parents had us put to bed they stayed up most of the night doing magic. We would get up Christmas morning and there would be a fully decorated tree with all the presents under. That was not there when we went to bed in the Eve. It was magical.

Becoming a parent myself it was just as good, you tend to do the things you learned.

Then as your children grow, become grown and move on, get their own lives every Christmas gets a little harder.

Till you hit the one like I have this year. My wife is sick, the son, wife and grand daughter that live near by are hosting supper today. That is a good thing but not here for Christmas morning. The other son, wife and grandson live 8 hours away and for the first time ever they are not making it home for Christmas.

I am a strong person and although it makes me sad I can handle it. But I worry so much for my wife. A mother really without motherly things to do on Christmas morning.

I hope I am not making anyone sad, just reflecting on the changes in life. That is part of life and we have to live with them and adapt to them. I am sure we (the wife and I) will end up having a good day. Down to my sons later and a video chat with the others after that.

The moral of my reflection this morning: Keep pushing on!

Now on to not so deep conversation.


There is a big difference between the buy and sell prices on CTP Token but I guess when volume is low and people are staking all their CTP this happens.

#Steem: $0.130400 USD (-2.44%) 0.00001779 BTC (-1.49%)
#Bitcoin: $7,329.78 USD (-0.97%)

Another week till the new year so I will wait to reflect on the markets then :)

I hope I did not bring anyone down with my post this morning and I hope you got something out of it.

Here is a pic of Danielle Tiger (I think she is giving me a look like to say "not another pic dad" lol)


Have a great day all, hope you enjoy today to the fullest

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Dear Bradley, I am in the phase of two kids in dorms and two at home still, so I cannot really relate that much but I understand your point. I first want to wish you very nice Christmas and wonderful 2020. I hope that for your wife and tiger Danielle aswell. Life is a present eventhough times are hard , we are all here for you !


I wish you a Merry Christmas to you, your wife and Danielle Tiger!

And, I can relate to your story... As my wife and I are "those" children that will not make to celebrate Christmas with the rest of our families... As we are living 2500km away from our hometown, but that's the way it is...

We have talked with our loving ones thanks to Skype, Viber, and other techy useful things and get something of the festive feeling...

Next year, we will try to make it...


My daughter and I are very close. Even at her age, she enjoys my company. We've been doing lots of stuff together, yet sometimes I wonder what if she decides to be independent. I guess I'll cross the bridge when I've reached it. Thanks for this post. It is very good reflection for Christmas morning. Hope you have more happy ones! :))


Yes life and circumstances is always changing @bradleyarrow, so also Christmas and I wish you a Merry one, and keep on pushing with your life and family and in CTP, Danielle Tiger looks comfy, keep up your great work and stay awesome.

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Life is different for all of us. Me, for instance, have dated a few times but never found the right person to settle with. So, marrying and having kids was never in the cards for me.

Nice cute little cat you got there!

Congratulations on being featured by @iamraincrystal in an entry for the Pay It Forward Contest
