On Hive and in the real world we must always be fair and truthful to people, regardless of whether we like them or not we are all human


Hello Hivers let's have a chat listen up

Let's make Hive the best it can be and truly transform the lives of everyone involved. We must use our power wisely and never abuse it. On Hive and in the real world we must always be fair and truthful to people, regardless of whether we like them or not we are all human.

Hive has the true potential to change the bloody world if used correctly and fairly, but if used incorrectly, it can cause a lot of harm hurt, and put people in danger. With power and money comes great responsibility.

On Hive and in the real world we must never look down on people, as we are no better than anyone else - we are all human.

On Hive and in the real world let's just remember this and use our power to make the world a better place.

https://hiveblocks.com/@ adm

https://hiveblocks.com/@ abit

https://hiveblocks.com/@ nuttin

If the Hive Police are allowed to act with impunity, Hive has no future. At Bilpcoin we have spoken to many people who have been greatly affected by the downvotes they received, and it can be too much for some to bear.

Posted using Bilpcoin
