RE: Two Ideas to Improve Hive - Extend Curation Window & Improve Censorship Resistance in Communities

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Expand the Curation Window to 3.5 Days

This change has both pros and cons. We might need a balance of both, it can be 2 days.

We have seen some systematic scam easily hide when curation window gets closer to payout time, some people used to do it on 4th day.

24hour window do encourage everyone to get more active because whoever gets recognized, do have more chance of appearance in Trending, so more eyes to see. I agree some quality content do get missed that's why increasing it to 1 more day can be a solution.

Communities - Option to Remove/Withdraw Your Post from a Community to Enhance Censorship Resistance

We still have one option of deleting post if overall reward is negative. One can self-downvote to counter the positive reward and then delete the post to makeup for mistake or so.


Hello, thank you for your comment.

We agree that two days could be a good solution. Sometimes we can see posts in trending that are close to the 48-hour mark.

We still have one option of deleting post if overall reward is negative. One can self-downvote to counter the positive reward and then delete the post to makeup for mistake or so.

That's a good option, but not everyone has enough HP to self-downvote (if there are big autovotes), and when the post already has comments, it cannot be deleted.

This is something that we have recommended only when it's a mistake or sometimes when 3Speak or other apps have bugs. But we still think that we need something that gives the option to the user to have visibility.


I can't figure out, how my Content has been over-looked...
