RE: A Revelation I Feel Compelled To Share

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Greetings @josediccus ,

Wow what a post....I really could not tell whilst reading which part is reality and which part both a bit horiffic.

Permit me to say...that I agree with your put out trust in the One Christ Jesus who does indeed never sleep.

Have you heard of Moses Onwebiku? I have probably misspelled his name, he is a Pastor in Nigeria...he has written several books...that would be very helpful in learning God's Word....It is Bible doctrines circulating in our stream of consciousness that sustains us, strengthens us in all times...prosperity and us the thinking of Christ.

Hoping you are feeling better today. It is probably rare for someone not to suffer from something be it physical, mental, emotional, etc....invisible or visible it is suffering all the same...after all suffering is part of the human experience. If it were perfect down here...Would we ever look up?

Thank you for opportunity to speak on these things.

Also enjoyed your post regarding curation!

All the best to you...God's best.

