Would You like to get onboard on Crypto startup in phase 1? Then this is maybe for You!


Hello, #PEAKD community! This is my first post on my Blog and I'm very excited about sharing this experience that will change my life soon. Why soon? Because this project is in the early stage of its lifecycle.

It's about a revolution in Crypto Currency world

Do You Like Free stuff? I mean really free - no investments, no upgrades. Nothing like this!

This fresh #Crypto went live on 07/07/2023 and is called *ice.

I already earned over 22 800 ice coins


Would You like to earn Your first 10 ice coins?

The only way to get those 10 #bonus ice coins is You mention a referrer in registering process. Mention me as (jhass) as Your referrer and I will teach You how to get the highest #mining rate in this mobile #APP.


Wach this video from developers to get understand why *ice is at least as cool as Bitcoin

Get back here when You have registered this community pointing me as Your referrer (my referral name is: jhass) and write a comment with Your user name.

See You there, Snowman :)
