What's New On Hive Dec 10th + New Goals


We are wrapping into the end of the year and what a 2023 it has been. I hit one of my biggest goals being 100,000 Hive powered up and now it's time to start expanding. Currently most of the plans are underway and 2024 we will be hitting the ground running. Much of the last two weeks of the year are normally with family and friends and time is hard to come by for online things and I suspect that's for many people.

What's New On Hive

This weeks been a rather quite one again with nothing big releasing. That very well might be the case as we roll into 2024. A lot of development and just things in general seem to slow down around this time.

One of the core places that continues to get updates however seems to be Splinterlands On Tuesday Dec. 12 we will be seeing the newest release in terms of the way air drops happen via wagons. It's said these wagons will cost 10 vouchers each and require packs or cards from Rebellion to be staked on them in order to "mine" new airdrop cards which happens I think ever 100,000 packs sold. This is often why it's worth getting in early for your pack buys as it can land you some nice air drops over time.

We are also getting a good amount of updates from the team as to how land 2.0 will work and it's expected in the early part of 2024 so not much longer now.

Outside of that it looks like Ads are running again on InLeo and I'm hoping tomorrow (Monday) we see another ad buyback from the LeoAds account. It's unclear still as to how that will work especially with adsense which only pays out once a month and how that buy back will go to those staking LEO. It's an area for sure that's been lacking in both clarity and action but my hopes are that turns around with the start of 2024 I don't expect anything to change this month.

New Goals

With over 100,000 $HIVE now staked I need to start upping my game around here. That's why starting this month or early 2024 I'll be releasing my own witness node for not only hive but also hive-engine. I'll also be expanding that to 3speak as soon as I can get that thing figured out and most likely do an encoder as that seems to be a real struggle area at the moment for that platform in which you wait hours before your videos get published.

That's a total of 3 nodes I'm looking to start up and run in 2024 and most likely will continue to expand. Other areas I'm looking into would be a Splinterlands node if I can get one of cheap enough to make it worth it.

New Projects

The goal for 2024 is also to launch my own project on hive that provides some type of value back into it. I might wait until the new layer 2 smart contracts are released before brining in developers as that seems to only make sense. But rest assured we are going to start to greatly expand here in 2024 including build real wealth and injecting value into hive itself.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


What project are you thinking to launch?


Still in the thinking and mapping out phases at the moment. It wont be until Summer 2024. The biggest thing is I don't want to deal with any headaches of taxes related to it lol so if it's going to be too much oversight and pain in the butt reporting it's not something I'll venture into.


Exciting! I'll keep an eye out for any updates! Taxes are always a pain! I worked across the border for a few years, not the tax-friendliest thing to do :D


congrats on the 100,000 hive power
Running a node is a big jump, but if you’re already this invested into the project you might as well


Yep I'm excited to start that venture. I believe it's going to be early 2024 when I release them.


Don't forget to ping me when you start a new project. Just please no hive engine we have enough of those 😂


Sadly H-E is the only option at the moment. But it's also why I'd want to wait until the new VCS thingy is done and see what can be built on that. Got ya on the list though! Thanks for the support as always and keep showing off those silver collections 😍
