5 Crypto Stocks People Can't Get Enough Of


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Many companies are jumping on board to Bitcoin and that means all new highs, massive capital which more is on the way and innovation.

Here are 7 stocks to consider if you're looking into crypto investments in the stock market.


#1 IBM

IBM Is simply one of the biggest computer manufactures. They are a dedicated team now working on blockchain technology that will revolutionize how inventory is managed through block chain. The implications of this are massive and they are just starting to scratch the surface.


Visa announced it will be working on B2B and B2C implementations of crypto into it's cards. While we most likely wont see anything on the big scale yet this company does how the resources and power to act quickly and adopt it first out of all the credit card companies. As adoption continues to ramp up consider Visa jumping on board as one of the first to implement it.

This also helps to avoid the wild ups and downs you might expect in crypto currency.

#3 Nvidia

You need hardware to mine bitcoin, ethereum and other cryptos. Well yet again Nvidia has announced a new lineup of specialized graphics cards for mining and not for computer gaming. These cards are optimized to get the biggest mining resources out of them as well as low power usages. As crypto goes up and demand for this hardware grows and the company starts ramping up production again you can be sure this companies stock is sure to go up.

#4 AMD

Not to be overlook AMD is just like Nvidia in terms of they will be created processors and graphics cards to that will be in demand as well. I believe but don't quote me on this that Nvidia cards have been out performing AMD cards as of late in terms of mining. However I believe AMD might make a move on this here shortly as they have recently overtaken Intel in CPUs.

#5 Solar World

You need power to fuel all that processing power and companies and big corps are starting to look into solar options. Leading the way on this so far is SolarWorld SRWRF.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I've bought NVidia at a very good price a couple of years ago. It is one of the best stocks I own, and not only because of crypto. They have the lead in chips for the AI revolution. A definitely keeper!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


I have heard a lot of positivity towards AMD, hopefully it can come through for the investors in the coming months!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
