My little cousin and I

I have a little cousin who happens to be six years old but I always wonder if he is six because of the character and behavior he displays that sometimes makes me wonder. Though he is very young but is mentality is that of a martured man that surprises me a lot.


There is one funny thing about kids that they do if you try to trick them and this happens to be the idea of having lower denomination of notes with you which will probably be much but the amount wont be equal to that of a higher denomination that will just be only one note and trust kids they will go for the lower denominations because it is much and they believe they've made a lot of money choosing it lol.

It is quite a different scenario with that of my cousin because he will always go for the one note with confident knowing fully well that it is higher than the other ones. Then I ask him why he choose the one note and he said he believes that it is my favorite and that is why he choose it lol.

He always proof to be smart with a childish mentality but still yet he always win. Even his teachers at school to tell his parents that the boy is older than the class he is because he sometimes teaches his fellow classmates and anyone that intend to fail while he teach, he will always scare them with the aim of flogging them lol.


I sometimes do call him an old man in a little boy form because of the attitude he derives and he happens to be a funny boy where people always love being around him especially his friends. We happen to be very close and the reason is that I am someone who loves fashion and this got attracted to him that he always want to dress like me and go out with me.

Kids will always be kids and we really can't change that. We do take pictures together and the funniest thing is he would tell his mum that we are twins lol despite the age gap. One funny thing about the pictures we take is that he would say some photos are not ok and I should snap him again lol what a kid.

My cousin and I

He loves the idea of we both wearing the same kind of dressing because he believe we are twins lol. I like him being smart but it seems his smartness is becoming more than a kid and I really need to look into it lol.

All photos are mine


You really should look into it and let us know what you found out lol


Lolz an old man in a little boy's body.
