No space or time


Whoever created the 9-5 schedule is an absolute genius and by genius, I mean evil genius with a dastardly plan to ruin everyone's happiness. I've experienced my first couple of days in a strict 9-5 schedule and I've learnt quite a bit from the schedule.

For starters, the 9-5 life enables you have just the right amount of time to sleep. There's no extra minute and any moment wasted means you either show up late for work or you have to haul ass to reach your destination.

In my current role, we employ the 9-5 routine for the first couple of weeks and it turns out, it isn't all it's cut out to be. The schedule, while "accomodating" offers no extras of any kind.

For example, I work in Leicester and live in Nottingham, so I have to take a short commute between both cities. It takes about 15 minutes to get to the train station, 30 minutes of travel in the train and some minutes of waiting time before the train leaves.

So, what this means is that while traveling isn't difficult, it still doesn't give you any room to relax. I'm reliant on precise timing at every point of the trip, so, once again, no moment is spared.

Returning home is basically the same thing as mornings, except, you're also beat down from the stress of the day. So, you just want to get back home and sleep.

At the end of the day, you're doing a 9-5 schedule that actually feels like 7-7. You get home, take a shower and next thing you know, it's morning again and you're repeating the cycle of pain.


Yeah man I’ve done that schedule for years. It’s not fun but you can use it as a stepping stone to move forward in other areas, so keep at it for now!
