No pressure


So, today's is going to be the last day I work at the warehouse and I'm really looking forward to it. I just want to officially put it behind me and start looking towards the future.

It will not be an outpouring of emotions or anything like that. I and my colleagues talk shit from time to time but it's really not deep.

I'll just go to work, do my bit and slide out at the end of the day or whenever I feel like I can't continue. In recent weeks, there either has been too little work to enable us to through the night or a lot of pickers that make the work evaporate faster.

So, I am expecting that we will still close a couple of hours before 6am. Now I don't have any issue with that as I only want to be there for a couple of hours but others might think differently.

In any case, I'll be going to the warehouse under very little pressure and signing out when my shift is over.

For whatever it is worth and I mean in it in currency, leaving without getting my accumulated holiday hours leaves a sour taste. I wrongly assumed the agency was going to do right by me and pay me what I was due but it turns out they're sneaky.

The agency rep said I won't be getting my holiday pay at the termination of my contract. She continued that the only way I'll get my holiday pay is if I outrightly apply for it and get approval. The grey area is figuring out if I can still receive my entitlement after the termination of my contract.


Sounds like they’re talking shit mate

You have a statutory right to any holiday pay and they should automatically pay you for anything outstanding at the end of your contract


I don't even know how I'm going to play it to get the money out. Agency work is the absolute ghetto


How much are you owed?

Put it in writing. This is England, we love writing stuff down, we love written rules and regulations. Use that to your advantage. Include the link to the Citizens Advice Bureau above and reference the Working Time Regulations (1998) that states that all PAYE temporary agency workers are entitled to paid annual leave
