Craving for a miracle sprinkled with spices



I am in a very frustrating position in life that is forcing me to sell when I actually should be buying. There are so many dips in the crypto market right now and I could be getting a decent volume of some of my favourite tokens if my hand wasn't forced.

The market took a major tumble due to issues surrounding Binance and as if things weren't bad enough, the Nigerian government has piled on the pressure through the SEC. This didn't have a major effect on the general crypto market but it is significant to me and is cause for concern, particularly with where I am right now.

GLX token has continued trading below 1 cent, a value that firmly puts me in the red zone but with some tough decisions to make in the coming weeks, I might have to take the loss. My only hope now is that GLX and other Splinterlands-related projects manage to take a leg up in the coming weeks.

If I were to go by the signs and trends in the market, it is highly unlikely that there will be a pump but at the same time, a miracle might be around the corner. I hope we could see the crypto market take a significant step in the right direction because I really bloody need it.

GLG marketplace

I think the most frustrating place of the lot is the GLG marketplace for cards in the incoming game. Trading volume has dropped to as low as $15 in the last 24 hours, indicating a massive drop in demand for assets.

This is naturally as a result of the general state of the crypto market due to a distinct lack of liquidity coupled with the previously mentioned drop in demand. Again, the only hope for an increase will depend on a whole lot of marketing and the launch of the game.

There will be a testing phase of the game before we get the full launch but I believe that will also aid the cause of the prices in the market. It could also lead to an increase in demand for cards.

The real excitement will kick off sometime in September when the game is launched and we get to see how these assets fair in the game. There will also be players' leveling up cards, grinding for xp and all sorts of drama in the game that will reflect positively on the GLG marketplace.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
