RE: Here's Why I am Thankful.


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This is really nice to read. I was with a deep smile as I read through. The fact that you saw the need to be thankful after all you've been through makes my heart flutter.

Things may be moving slower than you think, but that does not mean they are not working.

This statement right here, I am holding deeply on it. As humans, we always want quick results that sometimes, we fail to see the little changes in our lives.

Hive will get better, and so will life. Things will fall into place very soon. We just have to cultivate the act of being thankful during happy and sad times. Let's count our blessings and realize the things we have...


Yeah thank you for all the encouraging comments always. Yes, I realize I'm still thankful, it's not because it's been bad for a long time, but deep down I know it could be worse than it actually is, and the fact that it isn't makes me thankful, and I'm hoping it becomes better, all in all, being thankful is a response as well. It doesn't change the way I'm feeling or what I'm going through, I just feel it's necessary because it's not worse than it actually is.
