Remote Jobs are not the future

Everyone has been so eagerly anticipating an era where “everything” was done remotely.

While I have particularly found the idea intriguing about a year or two ago, I've come to realize it was never something with a higher potential upside.

Of course, the notion that they were the future simply ignored what controls jobs and how that thing might want the future to pan out.

The writing online/Internet money making era has particularly been a key driver in all these remote jobs sentiments, and more than half the time, you'd realize that people passing these dreams across as those that have particularly had low exposure to real world industries specializing in various physical products.

Online Vs On-site Sectors

The online sector earners tend to believe that everything can be done remotely. The reality is that there's a vast industry with high labor demand which is far more essential to human existence and anything within the online space which is backed by technology.

When we look at sectors like product manufacturers as in the line of food products, basically the agricultural sector, then we have hardware manufacturers and the Healthcare sector, this is an industry with a much higher labor demand which essentially means more job opportunity than the online space.

This reality tells us that the future is much likely going to have more jobs that require physical presence than job's that can be done remotely. It is rather insane to think such sectors as listed above we'll add some points create room for large amounts of jobs for remote workers.

Given that, for example one cannot remotely operate on a patient no can one remotely assemble various parts of a hardware device, it's safe to say that these sectors will always need workers on-site.

Of course one might want to argue that technology may create room for various specialist in this sectors to carry out their job, for example, remotely controlling a machine to assemble hardware parts and also remotely controlling machines to operate on a human. These notions however ignores the fact that the machines being used in the first place have to be developed and maintain on site, in addition, when we look at the Healthcare sector specifically, not every patient will like the idea of being operated by machines.

That said, even in a case of leveraging machines to carry out this tasks, workers would still quite frankly need to be on site or in office to actually operate this machines as the reality is that the control units of such sophisticated techs will be in no other place than the offices by which work takes place.

Automation With AI Might Kill Remote Jobs

It is quite comical that while we anticipated that technology would enhance the job market and allow for more remotely friendly jobs to enter into the system they reverse was the case.


Technological advancements are quite on the way to kill several jokes and this will mostly be remote jobs. Rather than have remote workers it is very likely that companies will opt for having AI systems autonomously carry out the same tasks.

Software development, content writing, marketing strategy development, customer service and all other remote friendly jobs will be taken over my AI system.

Having looked at a lot of things, I came to the conclusion that remote jobs were not particularly beneficial to the companies that provide them, for one reason, they tends to be higher dedication to work when in-office. The absence of this discipline in work spaces could have negative effects on various businesses, of course, this is not common in all sectors or companies, however given that it is a potential setback that any business might face along the line, it is a no-brainer to expect that this companies will opt to create more in office roles and leverage AI systems to automate most if not all remote friendly roles.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Ai Is a great thing it can also reduce the number of job opportunity easily.
