RE: We Can't Hope to Attract a Bunch of New Users by Posting About Hive!

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What you have done is justified as it was critical to save your content and more occasionally your name. Blogger and other sites don't give us protection, once my content from Uptrennd was stolen and published on (even then uptrennd wasn't sold) but other sites don't restrict them from such wrong acts no plagiarism check or identify theft check. But this all is non-existence on Hive. !LUV


Thanks. And indeed Blogger was no help at all. The lady deleted the first blog post he'd copied, and then told me that I'd have to fill out that same long, convoluted form for each of the numerous posts of mine that he'd copied.

It would have taken forever, and each request had to be investigated and approved manually, there was no batch process even though they could see the publication date s of my original posts compaired to his copies.

I was relieved that nothing bad happened to that blogger, as I was very careful not to go too far with my posts.

Thank goodness for Steemit/Hive. They really restored my love of blogging. :)
