The Impact of Financial Manipulation from Parents on Children


Hi friend. Welcome to my post. I have been meaning to discuss this topic for a while and I’m glad I finally get to do so. This post was inspired by my unwavering defense for the rights and wellness of children. I have heard and seen a few shared experiences of people who witnessed this from their parents and one thing they all have in common is that it has left them a little broken in spirit with a difficulty to trust freely. Let’s get to it.

Meaning Of Financial Manipulation

Financial manipulation is the use of financial resources as a means to influence or exert power over someone, often to achieve selfish goals. In this context, financial manipulation occurs when parents use money as a tool to manipulate or control their children's behavior, actions, or decisions. Parents would deprive their children of provisions for their welfare, for them to be propelled by the brunt of lack and suffering to do as they're told.

This manipulation can take various forms, such as withholding financial support, using money as a reward or punishment, or imposing strict financial restrictions. The rationale behind financial manipulation is to influence the recipient's actions or beliefs by leveraging their financial dependency or vulnerability. Put simply, hit a person where it hurts and you’ll get them to do about anything.

I believe this form of manipulation to be a trauma response. Maybe as kids, they had to often give up their autonomy and voice to have a thing of value provided for them. It can be tied to having a lack of mentality around money, or just the twisted need to command obedience and boost the ego. Resorting to financial manipulation as a means of punishment can have severe psychological consequences, perpetuating an unhealthy future relationship with money.


The Power of Parental Influence

The importance of fostering a healthy financial relationship through positive parental involvement cannot be overemphasized. Education is an essential aspect of raising responsible and financially literate individuals; it all begins at home, the foundation of our orientation. However, when parents resort to financial manipulation, such as withdrawing financial care as a means of instilling punishment, teaching a lesson or encouraging a behavior change, it can have psychological effects on their children.

From a young age, we go through the inevitable process of looking to our parents for guidance and support in all aspects of life, especially finances and meeting our basic needs. The way parents handle money and the messages they convey about its value greatly influences our financial beliefs and mentality, which can have lasting consequences on grown adults.

Using financial resources as a form of punishment creates a hostile and toxic environment which in turn affects the trust between parents and children. When parents withdraw financial care or support as a disciplinary measure, children would interpret it as a rejection or an indication of their unworthiness. This certainly leads to feelings of guilt, shame, and low self-esteem, all of which can harm their well-being and the way they treat others and raise their own children.


Consequences Of Financial Manipulation are:

  • Poor Financial Orientation
    Financial manipulation can shape an unhealthy financial orientation in children. Instead of learning healthy money management skills, they may develop attitudes of fear, anxiety, or dependency. Children who experience financial manipulation may become overly focused on accumulating money as a means of security or control, leading to an imbalanced relationship with finances throughout their lives.

  • Emotional Trauma
    The emotional consequences of financial manipulation can be far-reaching and can travel beyond generations. Children who grow up in an environment where money is used as a tool for control or punishment may develop a fear of scarcity or a sense of unworthiness. These negative emotions can manifest as anxiety, stress, or even depressive symptoms, affecting their overall mental health and well-being.

  • Poor Financial Decision-Making
    Financial manipulation can affect a person's ability to make sound financial decisions later in life. Children who have experienced such treatments may become either overly cautious or impulsive with their finances. They may struggle to balance saving and spending, leading to financial instability, debt, or other negative financial consequences.

A Call To Do Better

Children are easily the most oppressed members of society without the liberty to make their own decisions, leaving them at the mercy of their caregivers. To disrupt the practice of financial manipulation a conscious shift in parenting practices, self-awareness, and accountability is required. Every parent seeks to control their children and influence their decisions. While this is often for the child's good, some parents take it a little far by using force and manipulative tactics to achieve this without consideration for the impact on the child.

Parents can instill positive financial behaviors by having open and honest conversations about money, teaching budgeting skills, and providing opportunities for the children to earn and manage their own money responsibly. The goal is for parents to empower their children to develop a positive relationship with money which will benefit the adult throughout their life, not leave them with trauma in that regard.



Parents do not always prioritize communication with their children. This could be a result of not seeing children as whole human beings worthy of all regard, but as an extension of their lives as parents, hence the need to go any length to maintain control. Thanks to modern day parenting where parents are actually being held accountable and urged to do better. Of course, it makes sense to them to withdraw their care until their terms are met, but from a different perspective, it is abusive to do so.

Parenting is not easy and I don’t claim to know too much on the matter. But I know parents play a vital role in shaping our lives as children, and the lessons we learn as kids stick with us. We all have to do better and find healthy ways to teach children to make better decisions. With the use of tools like open communication, trust, and positive financial management lessons, parents can nurture a healthy financial mindset in their children, equipping them with the skills and tricks needed to lead a lifelong financial well-being.

Thank you for reading. ❤️


Images sourced from Canva


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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


Hi. You haven't provided sources for your photos and I wondered whether this whole post was written by AI?


Hello. Thank you for visiting my page. I did mention at the footnote the sources of my free to use images and graphic design which is Canva.
AI? I’m flattered but thank you.
