Decentralized Businesses Expanding Globally - Is This Due To Technological Automation?


These days it is hardly seen that the commercial stores have just a stationary building or installation suitable for running everyday's businesses. At some stage of the economic system quite a long time ago people have had chances only to use instrumental tools, the hardware mediums, office floors which are of the piles of papers and files loaded to be cleared and the consumers of the services, clients and service receivers have had tough patience tests waiting for long time to get the expected tasks to be completed. Such days existed really and now 21st century newborns would never feel that.

What has been radically changed with technology just in between short span of time, was the idea to be over the virtual fields, an online presence that mattered to many things. Even the idea to conduct the financial services, office tasks and orders discharged from one desk to the other, reinvention of new models of technology to transfer protocols, minutes and records within split seconds using the internet tool, which manually could have been taken hours and days to be completed. That tangibly shows how fast idea can propagate and bring change to systems that back the daily human activities to great degree.


Sometimes I just get into the flow that how the basic idea and some of the discoveries and innovative tools have paved the way and people from multiple streams of life and services have been able to materialize the #technology to personalized use, setting up carrying trends that the other billions of the people have followed and improved the quality of the services, developed speeds, ensured better efficiency in handling tasks people need in life everyday.

For a matter of fact, it is true in a sense that at least todays #commerce and finances have been developed and became better with having a unique identity over the web, a solo address and top-level domain to secure own position in the ever spreading #network. For achieving newer milestones, core connectivity has been the issue that fostered growth, because in every business fundamentals - what matters most is communication, having a good reputation that the sort of "brand" that you have is good, if people (possibly increased numbers) know that - then chances are brands would shine and get a good #market capitalization.

With this addition and value placement have been automated, now people could easily access to open -trade options and I think this is some sort of revolution been formed in the whole system. App development is increasing and now even google play stores, or IOS accessories can plug in to the forum of directors of commercial installations, ensuring the interested groups have the access to utilize the full advantage, adding their #monetary contributions with it for further development.

By dint oof such initiatives, the twofold beneficiary groups have been developed and as a result more #economic streams kept on opening, adding value to the cycle of productivity and financial growth. #Blockchain have been recently introduced to the context and it even mobilized the free flow which is remarkable.


Prior to such programs, there were two sides on the players zone who had the chance to operate as they please or wish, starting from placing cashes to taking executive decisions, about setting up the key shifts in the future of the institutions etc. But, with the newer shift even the #consumers of the goods and services, the well wishers or audience forum can plug in to take active part in tbe system manipulation and it has been working pretty well in the times of modern world financial contexts.

But in the end, all of such new #innovations would get into one scheme and that is to ensure people's mass participation, instead of creating a group to operate large corporations, the singular mode changing to multiple turnbuckles for democratic outlook,even what the core principles of #decentralization ensures or preach to be, in all aspects from administration to financial regulation,decision making etc.

Any way that goes, the future would be interesting and I am fascinated with one thing that how the economy would get new shapes and certainly the 4th web versions along with the cardinally identical industrial revolution would be a big surprise ahead of us.

Lets hope for the best.

Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha
