Leveraging Facebook, Twitter, and More to Boost #HIVE Visibility

We have various choices for promotion, which I have primarily explored in detail in my previous posts. I believe that marketing #hive is critical for all of us, and if we are successful, the world will soon see a fantastic blogging and social network. The only requirement is that all users take responsibility for promoting the platform.

There will be a lot of information regarding how to advertise and promote the hive platform. This post will go over some of the critical issues we must consider. Some points will be considered revisions, while others will be considered new and effective when promoting. There are over Millions of users in #hive, and if we all start promoting the platform, it will undoubtedly increase number of users and will help grow the platform.

One of the most effective methods is to write high-quality contents regarding the beneficial effects of the hive platform. Discuss the various benefits of #HIVE, like as investing alternatives and the best APR offer in the ecosystem. Following that, post on several social media sites such as #Facebook, #Twitter, #HIVE.Blog, #Youtube, and numerous other blogging platforms.

This will aid in reaching as many people as possible and increasing awareness of the #hive platform and its functions. I once told a friend about #HBD APR profit, which offers 20% if you invest in #HBD. He laughed at me and said it is all a fraud. He claims that not even banks give such high interest rates, so how can a crypto coin offer such high interest rates?

This is what most people don't know about the #hive platform. How can they believe in the benefits of #HIVE/#HBD if they are not aware? This is how people will refuse to believe until they become acquainted with the #hive. Another excellent strategy to promote the #hive platform that comes to mind is to organize contests and challenges.

This strategy requires some financial investment, but the end result is for the benefit of all of us. Users who earn a lot of money in #hive and are veterans or whales may easily handle such challenges. The goal is straightforward: declare a contest in which you bring some questions concerning the #HIVE ecosystem, and those who provide correct answers must be awarded cash and other rewards.

It is typical for people to rush to places where there is money. If people perceive that the task is straightforward and that we only need to provide answers, they will undoubtedly participate and begin researching the hive in order to answer the question. In this approach, they will learn about the #HIVE platform and get interested in joining the ecosystem.


Another effective method is to employ HIVE-related graphics and banners and publish them both online and in print poster and banners. For example, you can share #hive on various social media platforms, and you can also use banners to place in prominent and busy areas where people can readily see the banners. This is the most effective method of promoting the platform.

The last and most crucial part of my post is to create a product using the hashtag #HIVE. The product may be anything, but this one is designed specifically for business owners who are already established. This will have two benefits: a firm will sell the things that benefit them, and those customers who do buy will learn about #HIVE.

I'll say it again: product can be anything. Just as we see NESTLE, KFC, LAYS, KOLSON, and many other brand names with their own products. In the same way, we can begin manufacturing #HIVE items relating to food, washing, eating, clothing, and anything else.

We can write about the #HIVE platform and its functions on the label of each product. This is the most effective and efficient strategy to market this platform. I believe this is a new idea in the hive that could succeed if someone is eager to get started. My and other assistance will be provided to them in the promotion of the products.

This is my attempt to inform you about the most effective and efficient strategies to promote the hive platform. I also share the finest ways for attracting and bringing people to the hive. I hope you find this post educational and informative, and I hope you enjoy it. If you like the post, please leave feedback in the comments section so that the next one will be even better. Thank you for sticking with me until the end.




REMEMBER: We should prepare for the unexpected and hope for the best. Life may not be easy, but you must do your best and leave the rest to God.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Unfortunately the toxic users of Hive are the biggest issue for this platform.

All the greed and infighting has left this place a shadow of what it could be.

Let alone the toxic groups attacking online businesses...

I don't think there's much hope here for the regular users. The toxic and greedy ones run off the far majority of users.


What if those users contribute to HIVE's development? If this platform had genuinely marketed, I'm sure #HIVE would have been worth more than $1 at the time.


The fact that they are running off people faster than we can get people interested?

Seriously our biggest problem is our self.

You got serious issues with the toxic users here. We've got people that will attack others and run them off the platform over pennies. At the exact same time these are the same people who are milking the reward system the hardest.

Content control Nazis.. out of control down motors. And entire groups of these individuals attacking others?

Unfortunately I just don't see much hope if things continue the way they are.

We currently have a war on a blockchain business going on right now.

That's right a business with an excellent product and completely integrated with blockchain is being destroyed. Why? Jealousy. A small group of hive fanatics are again attacking others here.

@psyberx go check it out.

What about the meetups??.. oh yeah that's right I was in the middle of doing an entire event and of course got downvoted for advertising.. and I continue to get harassed on both sides both for marketing Hive as well as for not being more important and funded...

Pretty much completely hypocritical situation.

And this is coming from somebody who's been here nearly 7 years. I've seen a lot.

Personally I just got done having some content Nazi trying to start shit even today!

It's really bad when you actually get a job as a mental health ambassador and then pretty much immediately after the community starts funding this, that this begins...

It's a pretty sad situation for our online community to have to fund mental health initiatives over the bullying and harassment. Let alone it is absolutely the greatest detriment to our community. I've seen real innovation the ignored and dismissed while complete idiots circle jerk the reward pool and play high school games.

As much as we want to say we are building a new world? It's looking a lot like kindergarten drama rather than a future.
