Day 2354: Lack of Concentration: Five Minutes Freewrite


The road was flooded after some heavy downpour in the afternoon. The canal poorly constructed by the government could not drain off the water easily as it appeared to have been blocked at some point. That led to water flooding the entire highway.

Joanne left work very late. She had to prepare the financial report against the next general meeting holding the next day. She was already exhausted.

She managed to drive through the busy waterlogged road as her husband could not come out due to how wet everywhere had become coupled with his health condition.

The thought of what to have for dinner preoccupied her mind as she had to look for that cereal food for the husband. She is already tired and exhausted. In that moment of thoughts, she was carried away and a little concentration on her path made her skid off the road and ran into a ditch nearby. Her exotic car got stuck. That's more complications for her.

She could not come down from the vehicle otherwise as she is already plunged into a ditch, a nasty situation. Where does her help come from now?
