RE: HBSC: Allocate Portion Of Portfolio To Crypto


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Here in the UK, the banks are generally fiercely anti-crypto, partly because they are highly risk averse, and partly because they are losing liquidity (that they can use for fractinal reserve banking) to it. This is reinforced by a very anti-crypto government stance (despite what they might say - they want a CBDC, but hate anything where they don't have 100% control).

Many UK retail banks will freeze or close accounts if the owners buy crypto with them. HSBC seems to be an exception; they publish lots of warnings about the risks, but if you only buy a little and not too often they seem to be okay with it.

I make sure that every pound I spend on crypto is matched by putting a pound into a savings account with them. Seems to keep them happy 😀


This is a technology.

The risk that countries run, in my opinion, is being left behind. Those that were late to the internet spent years trying to catch up.

CBDCs are going to fail miserably. Any country hanging its hat on that is going to be left out in the cold.
