RE: Nothing Is Straightforward Anymore

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Every single day at some point my wife and I find ourselves saying "Why doesn't anything in this country work any more ?"

Whether it's problems with Royal Mail, unnecessary bureaucracy around something which should be simple, endless railway maintenance and delays, having to take three separate days off work because an installer didn't turn up for the first two appointments..... nothing in the UK works.

It's embarrassing. A lot of it is companies using automation to save money on staff, and just as much is spurred by crazy legislation. How much of it is down to incompetence and how much is malice is an interesting discussion all of it's own.

As the owner of a small business, I see larger suppliers deliberately making pointless work for us through policy changes etc, and I believe it's entirely down to malice. They work on the logic that tying small companies up in pointless administrative tasks will prevent them growing and becoming a competitor in the future.


Not makes much sense anymore. Services in general have disappeared and not many seem to care and just see their work as a job and nothing else. The larger companies are the worst offenders and I try and only deal with smaller firms.
