Let's Play "Porter" (PICO-8) - Teleport, Die, Respawn, Repeat

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Porter by BluMakesGames is a Puzzle Platformer with a simple premise: You can teleport and jump. If you teleported into a wall, you die! What makes it interesting, is that the goal is always locked behind walls that need creative thinking to teleport around.

This a game I enjoyed playing, but I don't know if I'll play it through to completion because I'm bad at it.

The puzzles themselves aren't very hard in Porter, but they require split-second reflexes as you need to press the buttons quickly to teleport while jumping or falling. Because of that, one aspect I liked is how quickly you respawn after you die.

Porter shows how such simple PICO-8 games with few colors and sprites are really fun, and challenging, and how a little polish goes a long way.

PICO-8 is a Fantasy Console designed to create, share and play small retro-inspired games. Games made for PICO-8 are constrained in aethistics, code and size to encourage creativity. PICO-8 comes with a built-in code editor, graphics, and sound tools. Games are distributed in image files called Cartridges. In this series of videos, I discover great games made on this Fantasy Console, letting you discover these games with me.

This playthrough was recorded on a Steam Deck. Thanks for Watching!!

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