Patience, Holozing litepaper delayed for 2024

The @holozing community has always been successful and here again there reviewed what everyone expecting the game to be fully launched as starter creatures, healers, and many other characters for the game achieved for 2023. In not withstanding many of the Holozing plans were not fully recovered for 2023 due to many constraint from artists delay and you know capital is another challenge in every project like the big one Holozing game.


With the knowledge I have gathered so far as entrepreneur I don't see a big deal if some Holozing road map plan for 2023 were delayed for 1Q-4Q 2024 because that shows a sign of carefulness for the game. People shouldn't be in a haste for the game and it's components be released overnight but what we should be considering is what will make Holozing game more consistent, secure, attractive, and profitable as a web3 game changer bringing people together.

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Just look a situation where the Holozing planners were able to dictate that closed alpha is delayed because of additional functions, mechanical issues, and other constraints and these were disclosed to everyone showing how concern and important the road map will be for web3 game if later achieved.

Many memes, cryptocurrency, virtual games, web3 games has surfaced a long time ago but the question is many of them are no longer in existence due to the fact that their roadmap or litepaper were not properly followed and carried out. This is what we usually see in a business where the entrepreneur is only concern on the amount of profit to make presently and not concerned in holding the business for years.

The Holozing web3 game vision is clear with many evidence already put in place. Many starters creatures, healers, backpacks, and many more been proving. The Holozing is taking time to study what they have done already to know what to add when they are fully launched.

We should be opmistic with what the Holozing is doing to secure the future of web3 game by taking time to carry out most of the roadmap by 2024. The web3 game will be coming with full force by making sure no mechanical or technical issues could stop their mission by 2024. Holozing is concerned with what the future will hold for their game, they believe that the game should expand to the world and remain hold for years.
