Apple Removing Damus/Nostr Is Bad For Hive

It seems like just the other day I was praising Apple for their partnership with Stepn and Apple Pay but here we are with a situation that will have further implications down the line for any kind of web3 social media platform - Hive included.

The quick and dirty is that Apple is removing Damus, which hosts the Nostr platform - a Bitcoin focused web3 version of twitter. On the app you can send Sats to one another with incredible speed and ease and it has really taken off in the Bitcoin community.

Apple removing the app due to scenarios where it 'could be used by content creators to sell digital content' seems like a complete step backward in web3 adoption. If anything, Nostr represents one of the biggest proof of concepts for having a decentralized web3 social media platform built on a decentralized monetary network.

Apple still remains one of the largest players in the game today and that will probably not change anytime soon. Many have fought Apple and their policies about in-app purchases but nothing has really changed the situation as it currently stands.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate Apple. I use their products, am part of their ecosystem, and can say I'm quite happy with my experience. But issues like this are just a reminder that we need to continue pushing for new, innovative platforms to be built in decentralized spaces so there are no gatekeepers that can slow things down or stop them completely.

So that brings us to Hive, and LeoThreads by extension.

Right now the only app I am aware of that is available on iOS is the Hive Keychain app. Through that platform, I'm able to access my Hive activity on the go and it's been great. I know an app isn't necessary as there are other options, but the ease of use and seamless experience count for something.

If things continue in this direction it will make it harder for Web3 projects to build on the Web2 platforms to make adoption easier. Maybe that's a good thing, who knows? Maybe new platforms should be built completely to replace the old ones. It's happening, it is just a matter of time to see if web2 ends up adopting them or fighting them.

Regardless, I just get disappointed seeing stories like this as they seem to be unnecessary speed bumps on the road we are all traveling together. Also, I want a LeoThreads app so let's hope there aren't any more disincentives to getting one.

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Posted Using LeoFinance Alpha


apple and their app store ... i hate the exclusivity! after the iPhone 4 -- never again! hopefully they chill out on those fees / demands.
