Iced Coffee and Root Beer Floats!


Hello everyone. I am taking part in @mypathtofire Ecency Discord Topic Competition and @liquidocelotytt told me about it. Thank you.

I use to enjoy summertime drinks when I visited with my mom, dad, and sister at the house they had for over 50 years - It was more like 60 years.

We would have cool summer drinks on the back porch and enjoy the shade under the tall fir trees.

I took this picture of fir trees in mom's backyard years ago - maybe 2010

I sure miss going over there and being near all of those fir trees that use to be at my mom and dads house. (We heard someone bought the property and cut almost everything down.) I am so glad I can remember it with some pictures. There might be more pictures somewhere. Everything has changed so much and got lost in moving, etc.

Anyway, I love to remember how beautiful it was there at mom and dad's place.


I took this picture of the base of the fir with ivy in mom's backyard - maybe 2010

I would drive over in the afternoon to visit my family (who ever was still around) and brought my 2 cockatiels (Baby and Beenie) over in their cage and put the seat belt around their bird cage that was covered 3/4ths of the way to protect them and their little feet incase they held on to cage bars. My birds enjoyed looking out the window and making a lot of noise riding in the car! They would climb to the top of the cage on their cage bars to see out the window.

Baby and Beenie my cockatiels
I took this picture of my Baby and Beenie

I didn't have my birds when my dad was alive but I brought them over to mom's the last 11 years of her life. I helped my sister take care of her and the house a few times a week. It was a big job. Later on my mom needed a caregiver to help her when she couldn't walk and still needed me to help Tina with the house.

I lived at mom's with her the last 2 years she was on earth. I remember we had a root beer float together. We had root beer floats before the last time of course. I normally didn't like root beer at all but liked it with vanilla ice cream when it was hot outside.


My Mom's Root Beer Float Recipe:

All this recipe was was a glass filled with root beer - what ever brand you prefer. Then top it off with one or two scoops of vanilla ice cream and eat and drink it with a spoon.

You can add what ever you want to this root beer float recipe to jazz it up with whipped cream and a cherry on top.


I think iced coffee was one of my dad's favorite summer drinks on hot days. It was not necessary to have air conditioners in the Seattle area back then, but it could get hot at times - So we loved to have our favorite cold drinks.

My dad was around in 80s and very early 90s when he was still on earth at home and liked to relax with a cold drink that wasn't alcoholic. He had trouble with alcohol as well as the rest of the family. So we stayed away from alcoholic drinks in dad's later years.


My Dad's Iced Coffee recipe:

My dad's iced coffee was a very simple recipe.

He took the cold leftover coffee from the morning. Then he added milk to it in his special white coffee cup that he used for many years. He then added ice cubes from the freezer. LOL. That was it!

You can add what ever else you want to this recipe to jazz it up or brew your special brand of coffee.

My dad was so simple with the way he did certain things but very complicated doing other things.

I don't have a picture of my dad's coffee cup or his iced coffee, so I went to Pixabay to pick out some royalty free images.



Yes these are some amazing choices as your favorite summer drinks.


Thank you @liquidocelot I remembered it after a while. It much more a treat than water 😆 I do like a root beer float with vanilla ice cream 😊 !BBH !CTP


I love vanilla ice-cream too cause it is in choc bar and I love choc bars.


Yes I like vanilla ice cream with chocolate around it. 👍 😊


My favorite ice cream currently is Strawberry I do not know why and second best is Pineapple one.


Both Strawberry and Pineapple sound delicious! 😃 !BBH !CTP


Yes yes they really are.


Strawberry and Pineapple sound so refreshing even though I love Almond Jamoca Fudge too and also Vanilla. 🍦🍓 !BBH !CTP
