The only helpless situation for me.

The feeling of helplessness is a normal thing as long as human being is concerned. Something when things don't work out the way you expect it, or when you did not get the support that you want people to give you, it makes you feel helpless sometimes. But I know it all depends on the individual. Some people can easily stand strong even in the midst of trouble, while some people can easily be defeated as soon as something little goes wrong. So, for me it all boils back to the individual. You are in charge of your feelings. You can only feel how you want to feel and not how people want you to feel. You can always feel s if you are helpless when you actually believe that you have no external help. But if you believe you don't need someone else to help you before you get help, then it will be difficult for you to feel helpless..

The image belongs to me.

For this last prompt of Week 86:- Edition 03:- Helplessness.

*Have you ever felt the feeling of being helpless?

I have felt it countless times. From the experiences that I have had, I know that it is a thing of the mind. When I feel like someone should help me and I didn't get the help that I need, it has been responsible for the times that I have felt helpless. When I have uncles that should render assistant and they didn't help, when I have a husband that I think should help out in one way or the other, when I have siblings that can't even remember you not to talk about helping you out when you are in a tight spot. All of these contribute to why I feel helpless sometimes.

In my little mind, I feel that it is their responsibility to help me. In fact, most times I feel very hurt because I am the last child of my mother. But what do I get from my siblings? They all expect me to keep sending money to them just because I live in the town. Hahaha 😄. This is now funny for me as I share this experience.

What caused it?
One of the reasons why I feel helpless sometimes when people I have put my hope on expecting something from them refuse to help me.

How were you able to get past that moment?

After some years of experience I sat myself down and spoke to myself. I told myself the bitter truth. No one will help you. Stand up and help yourself. Don't always put your eyes on : uncles, aunties, siblings and their likes. Keep your hope only on God. He alone can not disappoint you. I became fine with this understand and starts to raise help for myself by myself.

How are you faring today?
The only time for now that I still helpless is when I noticed that I did something that made God to be far away from me. For me at that moment I feel helpless. I know that I can't help myself, so I need God more than anyone else.

I'm stronger now. No cause for alarm. I don't even know that that word still exist. I just do what I can do to help myself and kids. Life continues. Instead of me looking for help, I turn around and look for people to help.

Can you still face the same situation?*
When situations like that arises today, I will face it and will never bother people again. I need to help myself and stop looking forward to others helping me. No more feeling of helplessness.

This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest for week 86, edition 3 - helplessness.

The image is mine. Design made with Canva.


Entitlement madam, you made me laugh
I'm glad that you stood up for yourself and are doing well now
I have been in your shoes countless times hoping that one uncle or Aunty will help but thank God now we are doing fine independent of anybody.


Nothing quite as painful as rejected help from people we know can help out. But then, that's what happens when you choose to trust others. You'll be sure to get disappointed.

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