My preference goes for freedom of speech.

Hello friends, welcome back to my blog. This is another great Monday starting with our Week 82:- Edition 01 contest, with the topic- Freedom Of Speech or Right To Privacy


*Imagine you were told to choose one. You could only one of these rights and lose the other one. If you choose freedom, you lose your right to privacy. And if you choose privacy, you lose your right to freedom of speech. What will be your choice?

Both freedom of speech and right to privacy are very important in ones life. They both serve their different purposes in our lives. And looking around us, we will notice that we all use both each day to do one or two things. Choosing one and leaving the other is actually very difficult for me. But for the sake of this contest, I will be going with the freedom of speech. I do know that right to privacy will do me alot of good. But freedom of speech will be more useful to me as we speak. Moving from one place to another everyday and not been able to communicate with people what I feel about something, how I want to do something, what I have in mind will definitely kill me slowly. I think I can let go right to privacy over freedom of speech. I don't think that I can survive not talking to people. This is just me. It may not be the same with another person, but for me ( adaeze) I just need to talk to someone.

I love communicating with people who I trust. I am just the social type. I love socializing. If I can't do that, it then means that I am sick. If you see me in one place without going out to speak to one or two person about something. I don't really think that if lose the right to privacy I will suffer in anyway. Why I said so is because I can't see the essence of having right to privacy and can not say what I feel and how I feel it. That right will be of no use to me. I will also be locked out from people which is going to cause more harm than good to me. I can't live without socializing.

How do you think it'll affect you as an individual?*
Not having the freedom of speech is what will really affect me badly because I can't talk. I will be afraid of the consequences of what I say. And even when I say it, the troubles that will come after it will be much for me. For some it has even caused their lives because they said what they know is the right thing. So, when my freedom of speech is taking away from me, is as good as taking away my life. But I think I can manage the right to privacy been taking away. It will only mean one thing - my life will always be in the open before everyone. I can't have my private life anymore. Everyone will know everything about me. Maybe that will also help me to always do something good knowing that everyone will get to know what I am doing.

In summary, right to privacy is very good, but for me freedom of speech makes more sense to me. I can't live without saying what I should say, but I can manage not having privacy.

This post was inspired by the hive learners community contest.

The image is mine. Design with Canva.


You are right, our voice is our power but it has limits in this country, our voice is not heard by our government and silence is killing most people


Exactly the point, not being able to speak out when necessary is really hurting, I hate the fact that some authorities even add consiquence to it


I like your logical approach to this subject however your choice of freedom to speak is very important as you like socialising, sharing your thought with people than just keeping quiet.

It's good to also note that you can manage both freedom of speech and right to privacy.


Yeah. Both can be managed, however, we are asked to choose in between
