RE: The System is Rotten


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Great video Zoltan. A lot of people still think that our governments have gold in a cellar somewhere as a guarantee for our money... The money has only value because we give it value. It's the same for cryptocurrencies. As you pointed out, the big difference between fiat money and cryptocurrencies is that we have a certain level of transparency with the latter.

What people tend not to see is that what central banks and governements are doing with fiat money comes close to see what could work... The economic theories seem not to be appling so they print a bit more... still no inflation.. ok let's go on printing. Hmmm, the economy doesn't take off... ok print some more? It's not the inflation that we should be scared off, it's the day when people stop believing into this money... What happens next? I prefer to have coins that I know how much inflation there is going to be and how coins will ever be printed. In the end what gives value to a coin or money is the people using it...

Sorry got a bit


hehehe... I like your "print more money theory" 🤣 🤣 🤣 But I do believe that they are just playing with that printer without any clue what they are doing... lol...

Btw, I hope that you will create once your "bank story"... I would like to hear what kind of dirty work you did in a bank... :) Or maybe sometimes in the future meetup, or Hive Fest? :)


But I do believe that they are just playing with that printer without any clue what they are doing... lol...

I'm honestly not so sure whether they know what they are doing lol

Btw, I hope that you will create once your "bank story"... I would like to hear what kind of dirty work you did in a bank... :) Or maybe sometimes in the future meetup, or Hive Fest? :)

😂 I would love to share some stories over a future meetup ;-).
