Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Check out what I got from the rebellion packs I purchased

Greetings to all Splinterlands warlocks, I am here once again, and I welcome you all to my blog as well, Today, I write to submit and share my entry to the Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. This week we have a topic that goes by the theme "The Rebellion". I hope you guys are ready to read and learn more about the Rebellion cards and their release date. Without much ado, let's dive into the topic straight forward.

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The Rebellion Edition has finally been released onto the Splinterlands game and I am very excited to be part of this great community. In my previous post, I indicated that I bought 6 rebellion packs and I have finally opened them now I will share an update with you all here in this post about the cards I had.

From my 6 rebellion packs, I was able to get 26 rebellion cards and I had one legendary card but it wasn't a golden one. That was so cool for me after earning those rebellion cards because most of them were good ones and I think they can help me in battles. The legendary monster was Nalara Geinek, which was a level one monster and it's a neutral monster too so a great advantage there.

There are still more opportunities to purchase rebellion packs since now the general sale has been released, there are about 9 million packs available to be purchased and you can still purchase them with the 5 VOUCHER bonus available as usual.

Mind you that, the summoners weren't also left out, I was lucky to get four summoners including NOMOS, ZEDDICA, PRUNDA UNDERVESCH, and REKLAH. Two were tactics-summoners and the other two also have the special mechanics ability where you can select monsters from two deck cards. Although, I didn't purchase that many rebellion packs I am glad with the results I have gotten from them after opening those few packs.

Note that, Golden cards weren't left out either, I got two of them and they are TORCH VIZIER and NIMBLEDOOK RANGER monster. The first was a fire element unit while the last was a Neutral Unit element.

These two cards aren't that bad and I think they will surely make a good change in my gameplay. Currently, although, I am finding it difficult with regards to the new rebellion cards, I am trying to understand the abilities of each card and the ruleset it best befits in. I have been losing battles after the release of these cards and Untamed cards removed from the Modern format, lol. I know with time I will recover and come back stronger as usual.

The Rebellion cards are a game changer and I love their tactics-summoner ability the most. The ambush ability is also a good add-on to the game.

If you haven't registered yet for the game, you can sign up by purchasing your spellbook for 10$ only. Click on the link here

Thank you all for your time and attention, I am looking forward to seeing you all again in my subsequent posts.

All unsourced images were taken from Reference

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