Who would I be this weekend?

"In this life we cannot do great things. We can only do small things with great love."

-Mother Teresa

Hi everyone. I hope you all are fine. I am doing well. This is my entry to the #weekend-engagement contest. The question is whether I would like to be another person other than myself this weekend?

I like my personality and the way I am. But, yes, I would like to be someone else for a weekend. I would like to be an Assistant Commissioner for a weekend. I can choose to be someone else, someone interesting like a celebrity or an astronaut, but I want to keep it raw, real and personal. I hope you would like it.

I have been preparing for this exam for two years now and this job is like a dream for me. I would love to know what a weekend of an Assistant Commissioner in Pakistan feels like. What goes into the head and how the responsibilities are handled.

It is such a prestigious post here in my country and the exam for it is a hard nut to crack. I failed in my first attempt by the margin of just 17 marks. That shattered my heart into pieces, but it never stopped me from pursuing my dreams. The exams will start from 29th of February for my second attempt and hopefully, I would be over the line this time.

If I spend my weekend that way, I would surely explore the authorities of an Assistant Commissioner AC. I would check what I can do for people in my jurisdiction. I would also see how proud my parents are of me. That is one of the biggest motivations in this regard and it keeps me going in the right direction.

The motive is to give a good life to my family and do as much as I can for the fellow human beings under my authority as an Assistant Commissioner. I would be a dream come true. I would share it with you all once the result comes out this September after my exams.

Thank you for your time and support. It means a lot to me. Do share your thoughts and feelings in the comments section below so that we can learn and grow together. Follow for more such content.

PS: The pictures are mine taken with my Google pixel.


I think you will do great as an assistant commissioner. So I'm wishing you good luck in your forth coming exams.
