Wednesday walk in Larkana, Pakistan

"If life were predictable it would cease to be life and be without flavor."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Hi everyone. I hope you all are doing well out there. I have started going to the gym recently.I will share that experience within a few days. My exams are up ahead by the end of February. I have been busy with that as well. I hope everything goes well.

I woke up early to go for a walk. The temperature is around 10C here which is freezing cold. Because of the gym soreness, I wanted to stretch my body and prepare it for challenges ahead. I did not go to the walking trek or the park. I jogged and briskly walked for a bit in my own neighborhood. It is a simple place where most of the families are from lower middle class. I see them as very simple and hardworking people. They are pretty friendly as well.

During my walk, I saw a lot of bids hovering together around a place. The place is a banquet. They must be there for the food from the last night. There is not a lot of big architecture around here. This is a developing city and the people are inclined towards development.

I saw that the weather was very cold yet very pleasant. Walking makes our body hot. Because we are constantly moving and it causes kinetic energy in our body. You must have noticed it that when you are idle, you feel a lot more cold as compared to when you are active and moving. This is how the mechanism of our body works.

One thing that I like about my walks in Larkana is that I get a lot of sights to see. When we are in a vehicle, we move a lot faster and lose the chance to see and explore the pearls of nature. These simple yet beautiful sights and views of Larkana made my walk worthwhile.

I hope you liked the blog. Thank you for your time and support. It means a lot to me. Do share your thoughts and views in the comments section below so that we can learn and grow together. Follow for more such content.

Ps: The pictures are mine taken with my Google pixel.


Great to see you’re investing in your fitness. 10 degrees will definitely be very cold


Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

Have a great day :)
