On the habit of smoking

Hello everyone. I hope you all are safe and sound. This week has brought some topics of self reflection. I would like to shed some light on the very first topic about cigarette smoking as a habit.

This is what smoking does to our lungs
Personally, I hate it. I have never been addicted to it. I have smoked once or twice because of anxiety, but it rather gave pace to my panic attacks. When I was a teenager in my university, I had a lot of things bothering me. I was not doing good with my grades and so was the case with my social circle. My hostel roommates were chainsmokers. They even shifted to weed often. During this phase, a vulnerable and confused teenager like me would obviously resort to smoking. However, I held on my nerves and got myself out of that situation.

Smoking, as I see it, is not a habit. It is an addiction and I cannot see myself being dependent on it. It shows weakness of character. A habitual smoker cannot tolerate looking at others smoking because the urge to smoke would make him anxious after looking at others smoke.

Moreover, It is injurious to health. It is clearly written on the packets of cigarettes that these are harmful even to passive smokers ( those non-smokers who live close to smokers). There is no need to glorify anything that is injurious to health and causes deadly diseases like cancer.

Another reason why I did not fall into the trap of smoking is that I was slowly becoming what I always hated. Growing up, I had always had a clear perception of the personality I would endorse and smoking was not a part of it. The aroma and vibe it creates are negative and I am the type of person who loves to spread positivity and radiate positive energy to others. I hope I have made my thoughts clear about what I think about smoking.

Ps. The picture is mine.


nice photo and good sharing O.O. yup smoking is an addiction but that's because of the nicotine so its better not to get trapped into smoking. good thing u never really gotten into it.


i never loved smoking because i really do not see any benefit
