Nude photographer?

“The doors will be opened to those who are bold enough to knock.” Tony Gaskins

Hey guys. I hope you all are fine. I was not able to participate in the previous #weekend-engagement topics. However, this is my entry in the recent topic dropped by @galenkp. From those interesting prompts, I have chosen to write about nude photography. I would rather be a nude photographer.

There are multiple reasons as to why I would choose to become a nude photographer instead of being a nude model. I have put these reasons below.

  1. Because of my comfort.
    To become a nude model, I definitely have to come out of my comfort zone. To be very honest, I will be very uncomfortable shooting a naked person, but being naked to be shot and filmed is out of question. I can photograph a naked person to get that adrenaline rush. But a nude model would make me anxious.haha.

  2. My affiliations and cultural barriers.
    I have very close affiliations with my people. The bond we share is close and strong. I cannot imagine my parents my family , friends and colleagues watching naked pictures of me. That would be so awkward. Moreover, This part of the world is not yet ready to embrace such thought process, at least the one where I live is not ready.

  3. I am more of a photographer.
    Third reason of why I would rather choose being a nude photographer and not a model is that I am good at taking photos. I am learning, yes, but I can take some good photos. I have worked on it and I am aware of what it takes to bring out good photos. I am an introvert, so, I cannot pose like a professional photographer. My body language would bring trouble to the photographer even if I agreed to do so. Here are some of the recent stills that I had randomly captured.

The reasons that I have shared here are my opinions and by these I mean no offense to anyone.

Thank you for your time and support. Do share your views in the comments section below so that I can engage improve and learn.

Ps. the pictures are mine taken with my google pixel.
