She Quit Cycling And Develop Fear


Can I Cycled You Home?
This was the question I asked my elder sister who was so afraid of bicycles. She was given a bicycle to ride on but rejected it just because of the fear of falling.

I once asked my dad to get me one, but all he kept saying was “I will buy you when it's time. I only bought one for your elder sister just because it was time to and just as I promised her”.
She was trying to learn but ever since she saw our Aunt having a fatal accident with bicycle, she started having fear of riding on a bicycle.

The Lazy Artist Gallery
We went out together on her bicycle. She carried me on it and at the back since there was a back seat for passengers. It was so enjoyable to ride on a bicycle but the worst happened that day when we were riding. We have been cycling together without harm but that day was a story not good enough to tell. It's a day no one would remember, especially my elder sister and I. We would always live to remember that incident that made her have the fear of riding a bicycle.

It happened that fateful day when we were on our way to the farm. As we proceeded, towards the main road, we saw my Aunt going to the farm. We greeted each other nicely and we even rolled our bicycles alongside our Aunt. When we got to our junction, we deviated and she proceeded on her way to her farm which was a little farm from ours. Before we turned, we heard people shouting. The shout was just too much just as if something serious had happened. We could not hold it, instead left to see what was happening. On getting to the major road where the shout was coming from, they said a woman was rushed not too long ago. According to their description, the woman got involved in an accident.

“Did you see the woman?” I asked and to my surprise, the description pointed to my Aunt. They showed us the bicycle she was riding on and behold, it was my aunt's bicycle. The bicycle was nothing to write home about.

We could not continue with our farming, instead, we quickly rushed home. On our way home, my elder sister refused to ride the bicycle just because of what she had seen.

We got home and saw our Aunt lying on the hospital bed injured. We only thanked God that she just sustained injuries.

My sister vowed not to ride on a bicycle ever again.
Well, how can I deny the fact that I love to cycle? The bicycle now belongs to me and I was jumping on it anywhere I was going to. However, my Aunt later got better and stood to her feet again.

My sister still said she had nothing to do with the bicycle just because of that fear.

Fear can cause so many things in life. It can make one lose and can make one go down the lane. This is why I always speak to people not to get afraid.


Fear is a terrible thing, it dims vision.
You can see beyond your nose if one is fearful.
