Reduce, Reuse and Recycle for a Better Planet


Hello and Namaste Everyone

Earth is the planet where we live and it is our responsibility to make it better and reduce the usage of something that is not good for the earth. There are so many initiatives run by different organizations and also by the government to follow some practices that are good for the planet. We as an individual can also contribute to these initiatives and trust me together we can make a big difference on this planet.


For example, the usage of plastic is very bad for the planet and it is not bringing any value. We must stop using plastic in our lives because neither it is good for us nor it is good for the planet. I do understand that in some scenarios we are left with no other option but at least we can follow the strategy called reduce and reuse wherever it is possible and recycling is the last step that should be taken care of by the relevant authorities. Just imagine if you can reduce your plastic uses then it is going to impact a lot and if everyone contributes this way then the overall outcome will be very good for the planet. It takes hundreds of years for this plastic to get destroyed and how it is going to impact the next generation we can imagine. Following a habit of reducing the usage of plastic can be good for all of us.


Whenever possible avoid using plastic but if it is not an option then at least reuse the same as much as possible so that the next time you don't get a new one for the same purpose. It's up to us how many times we can reuse it because following the reuse strategy is also good since we are not bringing any more new plastic for the same purpose and it is also reducing plastic use. Many organisations are running the initiative to recycle plastic but I believe different countries have different resources and mechanisms. In India, I can say that the recycling process is not so efficient and it does not recycle whatever plastic is used or generated in a day so there is a big gap between usage and recycling.

We need to bridge the gap and together we can surely do this. By following the strategy of reduction and reuse we can help to fill the gap between the recycled amount of plastic and new plastic waste and there will be a point when this gap will go the other way around. I make sure that I do not use a lot of plastics but a few items come in plastic packaging and it is not in my control to stop them. What I can do is that I try to reuse them as much as possible and I also do not use a lot of plastic unless it is really necessary. Even when I go out shopping or to the local market then I try to carry it back from my house so that I don't need to depend upon plastic bags and this is how I am contributing from my side to the beta planet.

As I already mentioned it is one planet and it is our responsibility to keep it clean and make it better for the next generation so we must follow our responsibility. It is never a good idea to take things for granted because if we do this then the next generation will suffer and as a responsible citizen we should not be doing this.

This is my participation post for Initiative: May Monthly Prompt

Thank you so much
Stay Safe

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Estoy de acuerdo contigo, y es increíble la cantidad de personas en el mundo que botan plástico en la calle como por ejemplo los botecitos de agua, refresco, etc etc. La gente enserio debe de tomar consciencia al respecto porque están dañando el habitad de todos
