Our Pick - Reading Suggestions for May 13th

The OurPick encouragement program is part of the @Liotes ecosystem where quality posts are curated and authors are encouraged to continue with the content creation adding value to specific communities, and Hive in general...

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Occasionally, we will pick a couple of awesome posts that we find interesting and will suggest them for your further reading... We hope that it will help authors as an additional promotion... We support creators with our upvotes in Hive, but also in other tribe tokens! These Hive-Engine tribes give additional value to the whole ecosystem and help authors and curators follow their niches and dreams...

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Working forty hours a week to make others rich. by @niallon11


The game is rigged and if you accept the rigged rules, you lose! I had a similar discussion with my wife when we were talking about the future of our son... And we got the same conclusion as you in this post...
If you don't want to play the rigged game, you have to create your OWN... Luckily, I truly believe that we have a choice and tools to "opt-out" and live, instead of chasing the carrot...

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new plants for the garden (ENG/GEr) by @ogfox


Great to see your garden progress, I was in the garden all weekend and it was lovely. I like to find little jobs to keep me busy, it is so relaxing when we have this nice weather. How do you find the raised bed? Can you harvest much from it? Does it bring more advantages than just straight in the earth?

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Es wird Zeit für die erste Hive Weltmeisterschaft/ It's time for the first Hive World Championship by @der-prophet


Unfortunately, I live in an apartment and I can't participate in the competition, but I find your idea great!!! I saw some names that you mentioned that are gardening professionals and have no doubts that the competition will be fierce... 😃

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Butters Surfs Nazare by @riverflows


Thanks for sharing the story and photos from that marvelous place! It brings back nice memories of the visit 2 years ago when we were on the road trip to Lisboa and Porto! I don't surf, and it was in early January so I didn't spot others surfing either...
Also, we didn't get into the museum part so thanks for sharing that too!

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HIVE OPEN MIC #214: "TAKE ME HOME" (ORIGINAL) by @fab-tay (ENG-ESP) by @fab-tay


Bravo brother! I love it when contestants write exclusive songs and premiere them at the Hive Open Mic. The most special thing about your composition is that it is focused on this week's theme, which is very beautiful, and you see it beyond staying at home, relating it to marriage is very accurate. Excellent job, and happy start to the week!

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Splinterlands: New Grain Utility Coming on Tuesday by @gadrian


I'm happy to see that the team is still working on the land aspect of the game. It's a first step and hopefully, there will be many more to come...

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If you want to help in project growth, you can delegate HivePower to the @liotes.voter account that upvotes quality posts on Hive. All delegators receive daily returns paid in LEN tokens for their support! Currently, we are paying more than 100% of curation rewards!

You can also use these predefined links to delegate HP using Hivesigner:

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Thanks to donations of @melinda010100 and @good-karma, we will reward authors with an additional 50 Ecency POINTS!

👉 Vote for Liotes HIVE Witness HERE 👈

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Ourpick curators: @achim03, @ph1102, @mypathtofire, and @jesuslnrs!


Ecency points rewards are sent out! Thanks for creating excellent content!


Thanks for the picks! "If you don't want to play the rigged game, make your own ". Love this quote


Thanks! I think I know the author... 😂


thanks for the mention :) :)


You are welcome! Keep gardening! :)
