Reflecting His Glory. #Reflection Hunters Contest Round 160

It is not a religious sermon. I’m just reflecting on the benefits of the season we are in. To many of us, Easter is a season of boxing (where we visit friends and relatives to celebrate together.) That is acceptable. It is acceptable because it makes us put aside differences and celebrate one another in love.

Easter is a season which means much more than the celebration to us. Imagine how life would have been if we were buried in the condemnation of our sins. There wouldn't have been hope as we have today of sharing in God’s glory in His kingdom. Easter means life to a dying world. Easter means restoration to a lost destiny. Easter means victory from the damnation of sin and death. This is Easter to me.

We are living in a world where men have trodden down the moral standards of God in the incessant drive to grab wealth and power. We are living in a time when corruption and evil have become common norms. If we claim to be the followers of Jesus Christ, let us reflect His glory.

Let us show love and care to our neighbors. Let's have forgiving spirits towards one another. Let us exhibit moderation in all our doing. Let us reflect the glory we believe Easter portrays.
