In The Radiance Of Brightness. #Reflection Hunters Contest Round 164

When the brightness radiates, there will be reflections. The brighter the radiance, the more beautiful the reflection. When there is dullness there won't be reflections. Dullness symbolizes darkness. Darkness typifies deadness.

Generating contents for some of the contests on hive which I love engaging with makes me learn many useful lessons about life. While thinking on what I could use to build up my content for the #reflection hunters contest hosted by @olgavita, I came up with this insight: the radiation of brightness gives reflection.

Reflection is what the outside viewers see about us. It is the expression of the image we portray. When reflection comes, definition will arrive. People will give identity and name to what is seen. But before reflection, there must be brightness.

Brightness will not be appreciated if it does not radiate. You might not understand, but if you keep a mirror in a dark room, there won't be any reflection from it. In fact people might enter the room without noticing that a mirror is inside it.

Your attitude, the way you do business, the way you relate with people, the way you talk, etc all these are your reflections.

Your brightness brings out these reflections. If you are good and brilliant but refuse to display what you’ve got, no one will know anything good about you. So, while we are capturing reflection images, let us let loose our brightness so that people will appreciate what we can do and what we have.


Nice reflections, best of luck. Water and its reflections have always attracted me. !BEER
