Gathering Strength In The Face Of Adversity, My Best Childhood Memories. #iucontest 05

The tales of our lives are the catalog that will make those coming behind us to learn from us or to ignore us. Answering prompt like this on the hive blockchain gives me the opportunity to recall and appreciate how far nature has helped in bringing my life from nothing to something. Talking about my childhood memories without considering those key factors that has elevated my life from the ground state of insignificant to a measurable state of success would mean fallacy.

May I appreciate this ample opportunity from the #indiaunited community for organizing this contest. Share your own story using this link

The Road Was Rough

At a very early stage of my life, I discovered that I was born to fight. If will let me, I will tell you that those who have many challenges to contend with in life are those whose packaging contains resources that will bless their generation and the world at large. Many of us were born into homes where others look down on us and wouldn't think anything good can come out of our lives. Some of us lived among people who treated us with pity and contempt. Such was my story. There wasn't much comeliness. But I have come to know that those challenges that surrounded me groomed me to become stronger in character and to learn skills that have propel me today in the path of excellence.

Battling A Terrible Sickness

When I stand before people today, if I tell them I used to be seriously asthmatic, they seem not to take me seriously because nothing in my life today looks like I used to suffer from asthma. But I have lived almost my first 20 years battling asthma. The attack was so strong that my parents thought I would die very young. But here I am living. I have buried my mother who used to be scared of my chances of survival. She thought she would loose me then but I survived and I've won the fight against asthma. Such is a memory I can't throw away easily.

How Did I Win
I fought for my life. I held on to God which I believe in. I am determined to live. I believe I will live. Now I am living. I took every recommendation I heard from people. And believe me honestly, God help won back my life from the claws of asthma.

Striving To Thrive In A Home Where Income Wasn't Flowing Well

Another memory that might not sound to well in the ears of others but is really important to me is the economic background of my parental family. Fund wasn't easy to come by. Feeding at times was difficult. Most of my expenses in the university was sourced by me. I had none I could run to for money. This had a positive side on me.

The financial situation in my family made my dig deep into my life to harness the potentials I could find. It was when I started putting my inborn talents to work that I discovered that I was big inside. Self development became necessary and I built myself up. Today, I'm a married man, living in my personal house. Someone who had nothing to held on to has actually climbed to some extent successful. I learnt creative arts and I developed my writing and creative skills. Those pillars has really taken me far.

Well, these might not sound like the kind of memory you would want to hear. But these are the memories of my childhood days that strengthen my life the more. Making me know that despite what is still coming, I will keep winning.

Thank you for reading my blog.


Yeehaw! That's one mighty inspiring tale of grit and determination, partner. Keep on ridin' through them challenges, 'cause you're one tough cowboy who's set for success.


Thank you for the encouragement, friend.


Yeehaw! Here's to the end of the trail this week. Your support shines like a campfire in the dark - warm and inviting. Rest easy now, cowboy.


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😲 wow, it was amazing to read thanks for sharing. It is hard to keep with a desiece, but you did it. Kudoos to you. Thanks for sharing your personal information 🤠. Good luck 🤞👍


I'm motivated, friend. Thank you for seeing something good out of it


You are welcome 🤗. Keep posting 😁
