Financial Goals : How To Bridge Between Profit & Sustainability

Today is the 1st of April and in the solar christian calendar it is the 4th month get going. For a person trying to develop a goal and advancing towards the target, working bit by bit and adding little in the tally would certainly count where approach is very important.

Lots of us talk about economic development and yesterday I have had some discussion regarding how entrepreneural ability and trying to be innovative could help solve climb out of poverty if one is afflicted with low socio-economic conditions.

Even those who live in western cultures where resources are pretty too many, same approach of improving in different dimensions needed to follow on.

Finance without a plan is not a plan at all. To some case, it is even more complex and if not managed with end goals, how to be reaching to that level and what approaches needed, some annexation and some deduction, having multiple options are necessary things to pursue.

But most of us lack proper utilization of it due to deterred thoughts on goals.

In our personal lives, what matters most is to have a good calculated mind upon which full reliability can be taken. I have met with a person yesterday and knowing about his life's financial goal gave me some sense about the present market conditions and how future could be.

It is also not possible to exactly tell how the future going to be, we only can predict. Crypto is volatile so as financial future. In these uncertain times it is not possible to guess whats coming , a probable downturn - shaking the economic structure and falling into rapid debt or not can be concerns to make.

Because potentially there are people who pulled up money from a partially growing business and added the amount for example $200k into some of the investing sites of BTC and some in ETH, hoping with a calculated approach - all will be fine.

But there is no guarantee .

People want to be successful and those who succeed because of luck and a decent performance added on the project scheme, with smart decisions made time to time, their story inspires and sometimes end up encouraging others to follow the same trail or even to select a different approach .


Whether one hopes for shining in stock exchange market, or crypto financing or in other businesses - all will depend on having a good plan. Not only a good plan will save but having innovative designs, selective approaches and an adjusting long term mindset also needed to be on the track.

Most of the time of following a single profitable project can be felt as boring and the truth is its not about having the goal to pursue, but being "steadfast" to acquire every level and being "consistent" is what matters.

Because if you have a plan of 10 years of time, you are to ensure with the passage of time each requirement is fulfilled, unless project will not meet its requirement and standards.

Some of the Hivers here has a steady plan and 50% of them have been acquired, others have their own approaches. In and out of blockchain - the same happenings are moving on.

Although there are no limits of one can acquire in a free market, economy to some cases that are developing and diversifying. Business adoptions getting possible to monitor and take profit.

Along with it, there are also no limit to what one can lose in a bad day.

If its just as the 1st day of fourth of the calendar year, you even could be seduced to try something new or fall prey to unscrupulous offers or a quick reward. As you go deeper and understand that its a "mirage".

Then you are welcome, friend.

Because, this is April Fool's Day, 😃💐

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
