IAAC DAY #516 // You Are Stronger Than That

If you didn't tell people no body will know how much you are trying or how hard it has been for you. Some people will criticize you without knowing how much you have tried to endure everything you are facing. They will say a mean things to you that will want you to think in a wrong way but don't fall for their bad words, they are only meant to bring you down so don't give room for it.

Don't let people's words get to you, don't allow what they say to bring you down because you are stronger than their words or what they will ever realized. Keep on doing your things without minding what people have to say about you, it's just a mere word after all so don't let it get to you, you are stronger than that.

Thanks to @flaxz for the initiative of #iamalivechalleng.

Thanks for checking on my blog and have a wonderful day


Don't worry about what others say, the important thing is that you know how hard you have worked and how hard it has been for you.
Don't let the criticism get to you, move on and don't let the bad words get to you.

